Daily Dialogue #1: A Picture says a thousand words… And I’ll only share a few inspired by each picture used in these short and sweet little packages. Bon Appetit! You see, the world isn’t what you thought, is it? I can tell from your wings it hasn’t treated you kindly… if only you could see…
Month: September 2020

A Dream
At some point in the story something shifted on me… The tone twisted from searching to survival methods in a blink I felt the change, the color scheme went dim to complete the symphony… An Ode to Deep Blue… If you only knew… I thought I was safe too, until the seams came unglued, Only…

Session #1
Learning to intimately meditate without all the pomp and circumstance… Meditation is meant to be an intimate internal moment. I don’t know about you, but my journey into my thoughts didn’t really begin until I put down all the books and manuals and just… sank into myself. Sometimes it starts with just listening in to…

Poem of the Day
Loss and the Art of Pruning… The connection went dead something snapped in my head. my body fell to the floor without me my mind took a back seat while my heart took the reigns reminding me to breathe again. Just breathe again, sweet thing just breathe back into being. Bite my lip to bleeding…

The Fun House
Part One:They Smell Fear… Remain calm… you can do this…. “Come on!” “No” “You have to come with me…” “noooope” “You Promised!” “No I said I’d come with you… I didn’t say aaaaanything about how far.” “Don’t be a baby, Amos!” “uuuum, when it comes to standing in cramped lines for something that’s going to…