I want any reason to be close to YOU. Any pearl of value YOU toss to me I accept gratefully. Teach me to be a steward of YOUR will and wit. I am as ready as YOU make me to be, and I’m gunning for everything YOUR kingdom coming exceedingly and beyond my wildest imaginings….
Month: December 2020
Daily Orison
Dive into me while I dive into YOUR unfathomability, fortify me against nonsense… as I navigate the waters around me, find me. Guide me truly…Never let me out of your sight, be the lighthouselet your light shine through signaling me safely home.Make YOUR energy to follow and lead me. Let your loving spirit enter into…
A Modern Psalm: Anthem to Love, for Love, with Love, from… Love
Sometimes I see in shades of blue Swimming, fighting through currents I can’t seem to break into.Need YOU to fill these cracks and be my glue, before the shadows seep through..Keep the deep greys awayI can’t see the Son clearly,through the dark shades gathering to fight me.I can’t quite seem to findA way to break…

Daily Orison: Too Me
I want to be less me than I see. Let the mirror reflect what I’m seeking, please. Less me more you, That’s what I’m saying. I want to be light, not the basket baring it quietly. Don’t let this fire burn a hole in me, don’t let it blaze away with me or burn me…

Hill Valley Falls
Episode One: “I tried to tell them this would happen… But no body ever listens…” You’d think with all the TV we all watch all the time we’d have seen the similarity in plotlines. but… it’s like… it’s done the opposite! Turned us into wolf bait without us even knowin’ it… I can’t tell you…

Into the Rabbit Hole!
Well here we go. I promised the empty room that I would begin releasing these chapters whether the chairs filled or not. AS they say, build it and they will come so… Here it is. The grand Unwitting Conspirators plot. Each character is on their way to a personal hell and because none of them…

Just a Bite: Natural Brilliance
It occurred to me recently that trees are a perfect parabolic opportunity They too, start with fertilized seeds somehow finding themselves cast away from their seat between leaves. They fall into the soil beneath. Where, ironically, they begin again… Closer to the roots they came from than the branches that grew before them. They’ll die…
A New Thing: Imagery Aimed for the Heartstrings
Sipping on something glorious while the dawn kisses my cheek with its chilled lips. I have a feelingI’m gonna be victorious, as the steam rolls around ticklin’ my noseI watch it lift off the mouth of my mugand it hits me… As the rays from the rising Son Highlighting the lesson for me I watch…
The Way of the Why’s
A creative reflection… Why…Why am I…Why am I creative?What shoe fits?Is there anything out there that really makes me tick?How do I find IT?How am I one of an innumerable kind?When do I finally stop grasping at strings?What steps can I take toward seeingthe greater scheme of things? In what ways am I wealthy?Does what’s…

An Original Mystery Thriller Series: (A Shot In the Dark)
Get Ready to Grow With Us! This is an interactive series. Growing up, build your own adventures were so cool to me. I loved them. I’d always be left wondering where the next turn would take us, me and the characters. I’ve spent years, mastering my unruly writing style and finally… after pouring over one…