Once upon a time, there existed an abundant valley, surrounded on all sides by an enchanted forest that kept all outsiders at bay. Now, in this paradise lived all matter of animals, from ducks and geese to rabbits, deer, and fox. The animals had an endless supply of food, water, and companionship. None of the…
Month: August 2021
Heart Meditation: Come Alive
Wake up, wake up! Break free, come with me! Run from the confines and see, finally! The sky above, the earth below. It’s time you finally know. The earth is for us, not us for the earth. The rest is for us, not us for the rest. The silence holds your deepest secret. Get quiet,…
Come Away With Me
Had enough of this, Are you telling me honestly you don’t see through it? If that’s the case I guess I get it, but if you really in it get ready for the next bit. I can tell you this much it doesn’t go the way you think it will. Take the red pill, you’ll…
Rising Tides
Turn over a new leaf it’s time to rise Rub that sleep from your sleepy eyes. The tides are shifting to the bright side. Pendulum swinging, bringing justice and light. (chorus) It’s time to run, run, run… or comply. Won’t get far, but you can try. The Lion is coming with a brand new way,…

In the Shadows
“Some are protected in the dark, others become it. Only those who carry light within, will make it out alive.“ …Please, take this to heart. tick-tock… Candice ambled over the dry bones of the suburban street. The houses slept at either side, not a light in their glazed eyes to brighten the desolation of the…
Eyes Open
Open wide, it’s light outside, Let the sunrise pour in through the windows. Arms outstretched lift me from the shallows I am willing to follow life from the sleeping gallows. The birds chime in, to remind me, A new thing is on the horizon, guide me. My time here is fleeting, and LORD, what a…
Between the Myrtles: Chapter 9
Lena and Beatrice: “uuuuuuh,” Lena groaned. Her eyes blinked into the unadulterated sunlight pouring in through the open curtains. “Wow, that is so bright.” She complained. She heard something clanking to the floor in the next room. Light footsteps pattered down the hall until Beatrice’s small frame popped through the doorway. She skidded over the…

Between the Myrtles: Chapter 8
CHAPTER 8 LENA “I’ll be back, Bax! Don’t burn down the place!” Lena laughed at her joke as she hurried to lock the door behind her. She slung her small backpack over a shoulder and rushed down the hall to the stairwell. If I hurry maybe I can catch her! She shouldn’t be walking around…
Unwitting Conspirators: Loose Lips
“Have you been to the new donut shop?” “It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.” >>>—> “No, I haven’t.” “Oh man, you have got to go… good coffee but their double glaze classics are to die for! And I’d kill…
The Pied Piper
I’m knocking, can you hear me? I’m asking nicely, that you to dance with my disease. It sounds good, right? A pleasant melody in theory. Take me home, just give me a listen I’m a cookie…One bite of me is enough I’m potent if you please, Just ask my devotees… I’m the poisoned apple putting…