Chester hadn’t had a day off in weeks. He spent his extra moments re-read the notes sent from Nessy, trying to find some answer to her mysterious illness. It had been an entire seven days since he’d received the last update from her. He was becoming impatient. His mother and father had set out for…
Month: September 2021
The Burn Book Files: Poem #3
A Garden Full of Weeds Poem #3 The morning rises in my mind, it’s time.Time to take a look at my insides,The rows are growing tight.I’m getting conflicting insights.The gloves swallow my hands in protection.Regeneration, I’m looking at my garden. Renovation is an understatement. It’s in desperate need of cultivation. This newborn energizing is heaven-sent.One…

The Burn Files: Poem#1
Loosen Up Burn Files: Poem #1 Loosen up, sometimes words spoken don’t apply personally. Let go they’re just words, weightless things people say. Laugh it off see what happens, might surprise you actually. Can’t take this journey so seriously. Listen in, hear the secrets woven through them. This game of clue is all about me,…
Unwitting Conspirators: The Burn Book Poems
Poems: Hope is hard to come by when I open my eyes, and anytime I try to comply, it feels like I’m living a lie.I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to fit in the right.I can’t comprehend how it got this way.All I see when I step into the mainstream is menacing.Starting each morning with…
Unwitting Conspirators: Enlightened Garbage
“Close your eyes. I want you to imagine a golden pyramid rising from the clouds above you…” Janet breathed in deeply, her forehead crunched in around itself as she did her best to imagine this. Golden Pyramid… what would that even look like? And why would it come out of clouds wouldn’t it be better…
Uncensored Fairy Tales: (Part 3) The Three Little Pigs
Part 3: “But I don’t understand, even if he did have nine lives, why would he waste it on something so silly!” “Well, my young friend silly to you is serious for another.” “Did he waste his other eight on such small curiosities?” “I suppose I don’t know the answer to that as I never…

The Art of Being
Governed by maritime pirates, are we… Flying over the ocean the waves lapping up at me, Beaconing me to come in for a closer look, they come bearing a warning from the living book. I move in, locked in excitements grip dipping deeply, I fly to the surface. “Do you see it yet? Can you…

Set Free: Gratitude
Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for hearing my pleas. Thank you for listening. Thank you for never leaving me alone. Thank you for revealing hidden things. Thank you for exposing my enemies. Thank you for these Eagle Wings. Thank you for forgiving me when I mess up. Thank you for never letting me…
Peace of mind: A short Meditative Visual
I am on a rocky shore,the cold Pacific rim is lapping and rushing over my feet,When I close my eyes I can hear the rocks shuffling around each other with each wave.When I open them I can see the mist and the low-hanging clouds billowing in.I imagine orcas leaping from the water just beyond them,…
Uncensored Fairy Tales: (Part 2) The Three Little Pigs
Section Two: Three Pigs, two Houses… The next morning rose with a sense of excitement that only grew as the meadow came to life. Chatter echoed from every corner of the grassy valley. Everyone, young and old, feathered and furry was ready to hear all about the newcomers. The first to enter the main arena…