This state is no accident. It’s a kiss from existence. Simplistic and synchronistic. Will you, will I, will we receive it? I open my heart and take a look, only to find my new favorite book, and it’s being rewritten daily. In the garden behind these green eyes, there lies a million little Me’s and…
Month: November 2021
Writing Challenge Day 11: Prompt #13
Prompt #13 The Letter: Write a poem or story using words from a famous letter or inspired by a letter someone sent you. E.G “I know you might not read this after everything. I want you to know I wanted to tell you, I did. But I didn’t because I was afraid you would understand. I…
Day 11: Prompt Challenge
Well, to begin with, I have a confession to make. I spent two days on one prompt. Day 10 was eaten by day 9’s project. The story was just too fun to enjoy on my own. So I guess we will call it a package deal and move right along. The next prompt will be…
DAY 9: Prompt #31
One moment your character is talking on the phone with a friend, and the next, the connection is lost. Write a story about what follows. Yay! This will be fun! “Well, it didn’t turn out the way I’d planned that’s for sure.” Paul loosened his tie with a free hand. Nodding in response to whatever…
Writing Challenge: Day 8- Prompt #2
Pick a prompt and choose a piece of writing advice from a famous author. After you set your fifteen-minute timer, write flash fiction using the writing advice. Prompt 2 “A writer has no room to judge, only to understand.” Hemingway It was unforgivable. Completely wrong and unforgivable. But it had felt like the only choice that…
Writing Challenge Day 7: Prompt #19
Try out a writing routine. Grab your beverage of choice, prepare a yummy snack, play your favorite music, do a happy dance before you sit to write. Plan actions to do which will let your mind know it’s time to write. Fun! So I am going to interpret this how I want to. I started before…
Day 6: Prompt #1
Pick a writing prompt from Pinterest, set your timer for fifteen minutes, and write a piece of flash fiction. “Write a myth to explain why snakes have no legs.” Once upon a time, there was a forest. This forest bordered the most brilliant, lively valley the world had ever seen. It drew in all kinds…
Day 5: Prompt 5
Go through your story’s settings and list the five senses Hmmmm. Well, this one is interesting. I’m going to think about it and read the provided article to hone in on this one a little. Once I start writing, I will keep writing for 20 minutes or until I’ve completed at least two pages of…

Writing challenge: Day 4
Prompt #11: Journal about a fear you have concerning writing. Try to find the why behind the fear and how you could work through the fear instead of ignore it. Okay then. Jump right in where it hurts… This is going to be an interesting one. I am curious to see where it goes, so I…
Day #3: Prompt 7
Dialogue Workshop! Imagine a conversation your character has within your story, or a random encounter like she’s ordering coffee from the barista at her local coffee shop. Next, write it down, but only with dialogue—no dialogue tags or descriptions. Use dialogue to indicate your characters’ mood, emotions, and who is talking. Prompt 7 “Excuse me?!” “Yes,…