God, I love you. I don’t have the words to describe it to you. The feelings I feel when I reach for you. It’s endless like a river flowing through. Sometimes I look into the deep blue. I find solace in the solar view. There’s peace spreading over the green scenery. Fleshing out the dark…
Month: November 2021
Day 2: Prompt #23
Set attainable goals for the day, follow through, and then practice being okay with the work you get done. Okay. This one I can get along with. This prompt is going to be fun. I’m going to divide this into three sections. One I will complete now. At the beginning of the exercise, before any promises or…

Day 1: Prompt #15
Are you living by surviving or are you living for living? If you feel like you’re stuck in a survival mindset, spend some time today pondering why that is. What is one thing you could do today that would make you feel alive? Give it a shot. This might take all day. SUMMARY of Article: I…
#31 Day Challenge…
One a Day Keeps the Doctor Away I am going to try something different. I’m beginning to realize I need to stop focusing on one genre, and I want to expand on the range of my character voices and plot tones. While researching ways to do this, I came across the idea of a 30-day…
Open Up
A million eyes inside open wide. Awakening. The feeling of disillusion is throbbing, a million fists beat against me. My spirit is trembling at the army assembling. Infidelity pounding against the door, demanding entry. Save me, save me, my heart is sobbing. Is there salvation for me? I’m beginning to question things. No vacancy, so…
Breathe the word. I’m listening. My heart is open. My mind is bathing. Bring forth the sun. My spirit is basking. Naked, releasing these things vulnerably. I’m conveying as honestly as I possibly can. A tree in a gale, I cling to roots that won’t fail me. I shed branches and leaves that don’t serve…