Sneaking over the balcony.Step out of my skin, and I am at it again.Witnessing, being quietly, then reporting back to the unseen.Turning nothing to something, and something to anything.Who knows what will catalyze these storylines endings. new beginnings.No matter what happens it will turn out better than I have in mind. Inviting excitement. Taking waggers.Calling…
Month: January 2022

Affirmations Meditation: Bliss, Good Health, and Broad Wealth In Every Variety
My biofeedback is on point and drives me deep into my true essence. The system serves me well and always delivers the most helpful state of mind for any given moment. It’s like walking on water no matter where I am. Everything excites me beautifully stimulating growth, beauty, and refreshment to flourish inside and out…
Bagger Vance, Bagger Vance,Come on kid put on your big boy pants.Tuck in your lower lip and get a grip on this.Life. Get a hold on this life. Let the light shine in.I see through the charade.It isn’t like it has been.ten equals ten this rings true.Counting in dimensions as the light pours through the…
Lately: A Verbal Painting Session
I know I said I could do these things.I know I made deciding to seem easy.But now look at this mess, the result of me just doing my best. Its reflection is messing with me. High winds, rough sailing, paralyzing. I am here, on my knees, eyes closed realizing.The monster in me is eating up…

Legends Never Die: Puck Off…
Hello, you may call me Goodfellow, a title learned not given.Every variant of the archetype I’ve lived in is fitting.I came for the humor and stayed for the tragedy-ridden.Tell me what you think you know, and I’ll show you an oxymoron.Eternally torn between the two opposing faces in me. One is laughing cause I saw…

Clarity Variant:
I take a deep breath.My best often come to the surfaceWhen I undress, for my daily bread.Vulnerability. A state of consciousness.Eyes closed. Time to confess. There is nothing more beautiful than the company I find in silence.This quiet time rests between me and my best side.Reflection. Dissection. Different directions. Dimensions and decisions, shadows dressed in…

Meditation: Open Wide
I walk into a dark space, Bringing nothing but the breath leaking from my face. and this inferno beating fire through my chest. I’m still here, I’m doing my best. I see myself, in the map of stars riddled over my surface. Scaring between me, myself, and the sun beating down on me. A lovers’…

Witch Hunts and Scapegoats
“All lives matter.” Sneered the Joker to the Hatter As they all marched down to serve her head up on a platter. “Until they don’t follow suit and get the boot.” He cackled back as they tossed her lifeless body to the river in a sack. Torches and rage they made their way, made their…

Breathe in. Breathe out. Release the remnants of fear and doubt. Let what remains swirl about. Kicking up dust and sparking with friction. Suddenly freed from what has been. Rapid breathing waking dreams, a burdened heart tasked with beating. Rude awakening as each starts to glean. A reckoning. Then wrestling. Riots and defiance. This is…

Fractured: Family Tree
Broken branches after the storm leaves and twigs mangled and torn. The torrents of rain pummelled them No time to mourn between tragedy and scorn. and so heroes and villains are born. Tattered kings, ravaged sprites reaching for anything Even the low-hanging it’s all we can reach. Such means invite depraved ways to stay. until…