· Wherever I go, I glow · Wherever my attention expands, I grow · Whatever my mind absorbs my spirit finds use for it · I am from a sky full of stars. I shine and extend with the rest of the universe · I am a messenger for life. I am open and tuned…
Month: February 2022

Meditative Reflection: Modern David and Goliath (Guided imagery for overcoming obstacles)
Goliath, you talk too much. The giant drones on menacingly.All the while the shadow it’s casting, is captured in my thought stream.The echo of its projections jabbers noisily.A calculated harvesting of my best energy. Caught between what’s meant to be and some underlying voice conflicting.The yappy jaw flapping bore witness, to the reflection draining me…

Meditative Poem: Reflections and Mental Clarity
*Mental me takes a sip of her mental tea. Even the cup is steaming judgmentally… she watches me as if waiting.* I’m not paying any attention. I don’t have the bandwidth for an explanation.I’m redefining my state of mind, redecorating my existence, asking for a spiritual facelift.AND waiting, growing in patiencewhile living in constant anticipation…
Minute Meditation: Letting Go and Absorbing
Little by little worldly things keep creeping in through the chaos.Universal Stressors and anxiety catalysts leaking into the way I think.Low vibrations eat at me leading me to pull out my paper and ink.I am picturing, picturing, picturing; the snake swallowing its tail more hungrily.My attitude is shifting from the old to the new thing,…
A Heroes Journey
The plotline is divine, I’ve been devouring it as it comes to me,taking it in harmony with everything inside and surrounding.In the beginning, there was a word single word, I come baring many… it’s the things of great books. The mountains are crumbling.The plagues are departing from me.I see you, don’t give me those looks,…
Poking the Bear with the Cake of Incompetence
Pissing off the prophets, was that always in the plans?To rile up the hornets and then take a seat in the grandstands?You can’t expect to toss rocks into the bees,without eventually making them angry.Did you have any clue when you set out to do hidden things,That maybe some of them would be paying attention? Who…
Heart of a Lion, A New Dawn Rising: Poem/Reflection
“I think we both know the only way for me to fail,Is to bail and dive deep into distractions,I promise you that is never happening…“She smiled dangerously *Whispering* “I’ve tasted the essence of living …and there is no turning back, you see.” >>—-> If you would like to donate to this website and the cultivation…
Between Deserts, the Mountains
I’ve been trudging through existence doing my best.And these vultures keep hovering over me,my movement reminds them I’m not dead yet.The least they can do is stop hiding behind a mask of illusion.Panning wide, while still circling, never directly attacking, just waiting.Buzzards who feed on the dead, opportunists posing as authorities.This delusion is coming down…
Meet Me in Your Dreams: (Ch. 2) Just Another Day in the Garden
Special Request of a Dear Friend… Love you Mary… The garden yawned awake. The sun peaked through the tree fort’s clunky outer shell. Beatrice stretched her hands above her head reaching the tips of her fingers until one of them touched the coarse wood. Her eyes widened. She sat straight so quickly her head had…
Little Love Notes (An Original Poem/Reflection): Dear Life, I’m asking…
Lead me to extend the seeds I gather in the process appropriately.Counsel me, teach me to speak with my heart.Give me the bravery to do so liberally.Without restraint, positively direct me,into enjoying every moment of the journey. Promise to never let me see days blend seamlessly.Speak to me, send me love letters in universal ink,commission…