In the quiet, I consider my being.Every piece was given to me.Which means… I must have the means to provide for each,since, I am never given a challenge I’m not up to…It’s time I take back the wisdom I’ve risked.*scratch my head as I consider this* I’ll begin with physical things. Reflections I may witness…
Month: May 2022

Smaragdos: I see…
Deep Emerald Green.The most beautiful I have ever seen.Captivating. Mesmerizing. Dance with me.‘Round and around. I’m spinning free. Eagles’ wings envelop, until surrounding. Guard and Cover while I’m moving. Deep-sea hues. Ocean greens and blues.Sunshine dances, laughing, giggling,Dazzling brilliant over the wave cusps.As ancient myths crawl above the precipice,and giants rise emboldened to the surface….
Poem of the Day: Oracles and Oak Trees
Dr. Jekyl? How do you do? Yes, Mister Island? Hello to you… Initiating Emerald lenses. let’s see. Dive deep to reach the new worldview coursing through. I’ve been doing some thinking, Oh, the things I am seeing… It’s all got me wondering. Wandering. A wanderling. A lost thing. Indebted to indentured living. What a weight…

Sohum Until I’m Silly: A Poetic Release
Sohum. The judgment drum. Dum. Dum. Dum. A deep grumble rumbling… Do you hear me? Can you feel me yet?Deficient, do you see it yet? I do… and I get it. But I’m getting over you. All I see when I look at these is room to improve. Gloves up, lets’ get it on. Sohum. Sohum….

New Ground
I started to bloom in a new way todayIt’s funny. Something so unexpected to me. An epiphany that continued to tickle me,As I bushed my teeth, I saw it twinkling playfully. How sweet. I see you little me. I remember that conversation unfolding. Seven years old and wondering, where I might be,when I become who…