One down. Four to go.Five massive strongholds,in one fatal blow, the bodies go lame.There’s foul play at the fool’s gate.Funny business, no game all nonsense.Quick fixes ending in a checkmate… The emperor and his foolish ways.Misunderstanding the meaning of balance.Poor judgment is the standard residing inside of these…Until what they receive is in direct alignment,with…
Month: June 2022

The Sage and the Siren: Poetic Reflection on Personal Archetypes and Dreams
Eyes captivate me, even through the dream,I feel myself watching, missing the warning it’s whispering.But what mesmerizing eyes you have…Black center and the rest yellow,Black at the center and red in the other.Two different colors, and the only words coming away with me. Beware, they’re after Nicole. Pointing at me… that isn’t my name, see?…

Unis Mundus
The power of intention is real to me.It is the root, of all that I see.Knowing this… I call to spirit, mind, and body, all of my ancestries.Awaken giants within me, awake from your slumber, please.Awake from your sleep guardians, and allies. I am calling your aid to advise, assist, and befriend me.Any piece of…

Sometimes kindness can look like letting go.Sometimes it’s saying what comes to mind.even if it’s terrifying because, who can ever really know? Sometimes to release means unbinding all things,Unraveling and unwinding the tethers intertwining beings. Unleashing all connected through the negativity. Stagnant energy dammed up in me, by me, for me.Be released immediately. Free me…

Meditation: Calling on Personal Awareness
Deep calls to deep, calling all drops of the sea within me.Extend into the surroundings and lead the whole to be through me.Reaching into what I can’t see, picturing everything I’ve ever dreamed.There, rests the essence of eternity, poured into the vessel of my body.It’s this I wish and long to embody, come into unity…

A Poetic Expose: Entitlements
We’ve been given more than anyone before us.All this talk about privilege makes my heart sink… As I sit in a tub full of clean, hot bubbling water,To cleanse the battle of the day from me… No home has been given for my heart to live in.This means the world is both a house and…

A Poetess’ Secret Origin and Ironies
Beggars in a death dance, hold the true advantage to advancement. A lock and key, bait and switch, skins, and sides sluff away from these, no fluff in circumstance for these unsung seers, kings, and queens. As Life subtracts and then multiplies their circumference.The retreat, and then the unexpected dimensional advancements, fulfilling dreams beyond their…

Warfare Poetry: Supers and Secrets
Little bird. Be still now. Listen carefully to me.I see what you see and believe me… If it could be,any other way to reach what I have in mind for you…It would be and I would deliver it as any father would do.But I want the best for you, it’s an investment. And sometimes that…

Warfare Poetry: Breaking Things
Breaking things. Breaking things. Breaking all things that never belonged to me.The baptisms I didn’t choose consciously. Be crushed from me.Chains. Bonds. Anything telling me who to be.Spirit within me be free finally, come and see.These wings are finally expanding. Any contract made over me.I laugh in the face of its bondsman.You’ve been fooled to…

Poem: Self Reflection and Universals
A mouthpiece can’t be held responsible for what it’s reporting.It can only state what its eye has seen. A hand can’t be held in judgment for complying with commands.It can only do what the soul attached plans. An ear can’t be held in contempt for the message it bears to the mind between.It can only…