Come and get me! I scream into the wind.I’m not going anywhere without prompting! See this? This is me sitting! I watch my avatars’ hair whipping violently.As the words are swallowed by the storm surrounding them.My view pans through, I see the growling sky above,And the roaring sea beneath, neither beast, outweighing the one within…
Month: June 2022

Poem: The Hidden Truth About Energy Vampires
Self-awareness isn’t always gravy, baby.It offends and injures the trait inside me.Until I am forced to observe it honestly.Then descends the voices of reason…Vultures from within. Well, damn, maybe this is just who I am.A cookie monster. A goodie goblin…a puppet in the hand of some unseen master.Incapable of operating without strings, sentient being? Pfff…

Poem: Reflections and Deflections
An epiphany… maybe I was conditioned by unwitting beings,Who maybe never knew much of anything about me…Good thing life breathed through them automatically,because… warning, warning, spiraling!*sigh* Release these negative feelings…They are only relieving me of my best energies. And to think. That used to be me. Bumbling.And now here I am at this brink. Humbling.A…

Living Conscious and Unconsciously
Soul alive I am inside this paradigm.Starved of life until I come to in real-time.Reeling. For real, as if for the first time…Conscious of the difference between,Being present and being lost in thoughts,of a time and space beyond my present tense.Drifting through past and future versions of things,while my spirit carries on automatically for me,Fulfilling…

Beautiful Poem of the Day
Calm me. I am treading softly.I can’t tell what I’m walking on,but the texture is unnerving. I get the sense it’s paved in others like me.Travelers who’ve journeyed this way previously. Don’t look too closely. Just keep moving.Don’t let it all be,thus for nothing…Head up… No tripping. These whispers are companions to me.Constantly reminding there…

Shadow Work Poetry Series: Submerge, Purge, Regurgitate, and Release
I’m at the edge of a steep cliff.Standing over the precipice.Below is the deep abyss,Endless waves crash against it. Rock walls, never doomed to fall, but me…I’m not connected to it personally.I can feel the impact vibrating beneath.It’s unsettling, I am subject to all around me. I close my eyes. Going inside for sanctuary.I imagine…
Intentions: Heart Space
Making space for the faces I wish to embrace and embody. Through the facets, rid me of anything in need of detaching,Lest my double-dipping mind find a way to block my blessing,From digging roots deep within me.Lest I risk life snatching them back to protect them from me, as I lean on all that I’ve…

Walking through this valley,acting like a fool to all around me.Can’t translate the blueprint I see It’s so clear to me internally,and yet I never convey it properly.Stutter stepping, losing dignity,until I freeze… I open my mouth and fire pours out of me, It was the missing key that cured the doubt in me.Now I…

Shadow Work Series:
The People Pleaser Step up, my friend. You’ve tried to please everyone far too long, I think it’s finally time we find where you belong.Get out here, don’t hold back little bird. This time, It’ll be me eating every word.I’m listening… I’m waiting… waiting… uh… this feels absurd. Funny how you all go quiet when…

A little throb beating from the ground.It might be weak, but I hear its sound.The dirt calls to me, bring your feet,tread softly, no shoes, please.Treat this place like your sanctuary.I made everything you see, Prepared it for eternity, so your eyes would witness my love for thee.I will never leave, I am in and…