We are little light beams bouncing around dimensions. Each carries the ability to commune and create. Unified States of being, aligned and in harmony with the signature tune each represents. A blueprint, no different than a physical fingerprint, with all levels exposing the shared properties, uniquely. A signature move of Eternity. Revealing secrets still unseen,…
Month: February 2024

Life Notes: Interesting Synchronistic
I’m learning to reframe life events. There are endless ways to see everything approaching, what view am choosing to see from. Am I a victim. A villain. An angel. A healer. A friend. An enemy? I mean those are just the easy reaches. I am what I am, and from my view I’ve been all…

Life Notes: Just Little Bags of Tricks and Treats, Aren’t We?!
Each of us, mix-and-match motives and dig in with intentions, until they bear pictures and sow actions, into realities… which call in energies sympatico with these to create states capable of spreading and energizing in any way countering death and disease, and optimizing growth, health, desirability without wrestling or fighting the process by believing against…

Let’s Be Honest…
Staying when you can’t see what you have as a treasure, isn’t a virtue, it’s a villain in gentlemen’s clothing. Get that shit out of your head, lest it infects your heart little B To let go is a love language. Not out of spite, or a desire for vengeance, anger, or hate, those can…

Life Notes: Whims:
… like catching an energetic scent, relishing in it, and letting it go with the wind. Then, the next time you smell it again the view has evolved but the signature is the same. For example, earlier this morning, I was thinking of straws and the water I drink, for some random reason while writing….

Life Notes: Serendipities and Daily Responsibilities
Listen up Little B, *Points finger into the direction of the past, poking self through mirror* It’s the silly things that add up to unthinkable shitstorms of ‘life happenings’… collect them at every chance. No need to know what they mean that might ruin the whole point of the adventure, let it unfold, and let…

The Truth Will Set You Free…
The more I am freed of programs installed through experiences breeding uncertainty, or reasons to be, that develop into lack of nurture perceived, and stunted growth for any other reason in any of the three main dimensions of reality (Mind, spirit, body) I dabble in daily, like a babbling cosmic baby, infantile in my own…

Life Notes: Asking for a Friend
“Name one thing money can’t buy?” *Rubbing temple, goes back to scrubbing floor*Why is this even a question? Physically, it might seem like everything you desire is within reach. But then, you’re cravings only lead to deepening hunger, daily growing and metastasizing into full-blown situations. Your own past version the culprit. I have what I’d…

Where Am I?: Parabolic Reflection
By the well. Looking in again.Waiting to see something in my reflection.The eyes staring back at me, seem so far away.I want to be inside you again, I miss the feeling of wholeness. My heart sighs, as the veil in me dies, to what has been. I want to see with clarity what comes to…

Writing Thoughts: Obstacles
Some of my favorite obstacles in this course require my climbing or jumping over. Keeps the process quieter when you leap instead of demolishing a fence meant to mark an exit or entrance 🥂😁🌈 Leave it in peace instead of pieces if I can help it, but either way, I’m due for the breakthrough at…