Oh house of mirrors, show me my current face. So many directions pointing at me, not sure which one to let lead me, so I stand and wait. Observing, and illuminating the world inside, No wonder it’s taken up a judgment against me. Let me bask in the difference between what is and what can…
Month: February 2024

Trust and Love, Bravo: Another Poetic love note…
When trust is gone, it’s never really gone, trust lives on, it’s our connection awaiting a new dawn. Trust is an internal thing, at the root, it’s me I am questioning, my footing, my ability, my judgment, all keys, lost with insecurities, spaces in need of weeding, and strength training. No biggy, grateful I’m aware of…

Not Listening If It’s Out of Harmony: Poetic Reflection
Ghost writing, in the sands of time. A suit to slip into and feed.I sit, biding my time, waiting patient for the big one to bite me.Off to the races, I’m following the leads, pulling and guiding from inside me.Fingertips, bleeding energy, into the keys, my eyes absorbing, exactly what I need to see, murmuring…

Souls Wearing Skin Suits: Poetic Coffee Thoughts
Through the looking glass. What is it you need little me, I heard you ringing? Just needed to tell you, I think you’re doing great. There’s a reason I trusted you to take this version of the cake. Eating it like a champ and still finding reasons. Seasoning the seasons properly, to taste. So glad…

Shedding Torrents, Releasing the Storm: Poetic thoughts
Into the rain I run, the mist kisses my forehead. I can almost feel it sizzling, metaphysically. My imaginal scene flows through me. I sink to the ground beneath, eyes closing. In sync, this is exactly how I was feeling. I open my eyes in this version. Sending hot breaths in clouds above me. Filled…

Roots and Ladders, Leading to Secret Windows: A Poetic Reflection
Tapestries hanging on the walls. each in turn, took their great fall. All the kings horses, all the pawns and castles that had been. Couldn’t combine their untethered heads. To figure out how to bring their stories back from the dead, and so they, concocted a different rendition, made it a mission. To recreate, using…

Coffee Thoughts: Gratitude… and a look over the ol’ shoulder.
Woof, finally, with a little prompting from my greatest/closest earthly ally… I’ve given my website a much-needed facelift. I’m so excited to see the progress, sometimes organizing the content can lead to the most remarkable sense of warmth, and accomplishment. Life is such a beautiful and harrowing journey. I feel a swell of emotion over…

Random Thoughts: Wrapping Up Designs
It feels like a new season breathing into life. I’m here for it. How cool, to be a part of something so… Everything, and nothing all at once. To witness right here and right now is… frickin’ crazy, find me asking to taste the best fruits unknown until met by me and unlocked by my…

Glimmers and Inklings While Cooking… A poetic reflection
I try to keep it to myself. But then I realize I need to tell it to something so I can hear and see the scene through each sense so it can integrate properly. Writing, my sanctuary. A key worth sharing. A note, wrote between the seams, a piece folded into an airplane and sent…

Love Notes: And, Um… where is my lane, exactly?..
Over the garden wall, I crawl. Skimming and scraping my elbows and knees. Determined to get over the thing damming progress for me. No worry over the wounds, knowing the juice was worth the squeeze. Oh, don’t worry about a thing, this is just a dream… And I’m just learning to climb through windows when…