Set out. No direction really, just set on communing. I’ll walk the way inside, as deep as it’ll take me. The midpoint between what is known and unknown to me. I fall in. Sinking and soaking instantly frozen and warmed in the same moment. Everything all at once. Until I’m no longer falling but floating,…
Month: February 2024

An Inside Job: Poetic Justice In Putting the Rocks Down
Another rock to add to the collection. My pockets are getting heavy. But they have become my only company. Drove me to the oasis claiming sanctuary. Drawing a circle in the ground around me. Homeward bound as I fall to the dirt beneath. Head down, I cling to the mother who birthed me. Beg the…

Coffee Thoughts: Hide and Seek
I tell myself things, a lot lately. In writing, in speech, in thoughts that I think. Maybe too much it seems. Compensating for something? Maybe… Or is it a bell resounding, echoing through my hidden valley? Reveal the truth to me so I don’t seek so deep I sink, forgetting the sun ever reigned above…

Into the Woodlands: Episode One
Renelda flew over the juniper groves and swept the canopy of the lofty pines. She swooped and swooshed between the giants’ bodies as they creaked between themselves in their ancient language. Renny had listened long enough to get the gist. They were tired of the filthy air being provided by ungrateful visitors. The tones in…

Coffee and Poetic Musings
The golden chalice, containing all matters of beauty… inner fire in secret burning, self-regenerating. Learning and dancing, consuming all given, gratefully. The Sun on my sleeve, my moon nestled into me. A portal between, find me seated, rested and preening, on a balancing beam. Earning stripes, but never defeated. Milky twilight, and dawning sunshine, unified…

Nothing Ever Goes Wrong
All roads lead back to the seeds I’ve been planting Taking life in waves. Grooves soothe the wounds. Dance moves keep my feet light. Always some new insight. Don’t get mad, get right. Get high. Climb the tree, don’t crumble, Let the scene choosing chaos inside me be released. Tranquility. No descent accepted we’ve been…

Deliverance: Expressions set free, a poetic reflection…
No more than a dream. A carrot dangling. Don’t you think I hear the fear talking beneath? I don’t blame you for thinking the things that you do, but they aren’t useful to me or you. Dungeons and drudgeries. All the fickle shades of grey, not the shade for me, I’ll take mine standing sky-high…

Coffee Talks: Cut the BS, It Tends to Get Thick, Quick… Then grows like a weed
I can’t seem to give myself an inch, I become a total bitch, if I allow it. Been through one too many scenes with other houseguests I’ve kicked out of me. As if taunting, I can’t touch you, but I have these… Watch how we can contort you using their strings. The final squeeze of…

Symphonies and Song Writers: Poetic Reflections
The more we deviate from our intuition, for fear of discomfort or opinions flung from the galleries. External things, Talk, unaware their tongues are spinning wheels into motion. Inspiring the real thing to lift its head and deliver what they’ve been suggesting as possibilities cosmic joke unfolds as the punchline drops the mic to the…

Coffee Talks, Tossing Rocks; No Reason… Just Wanna See Them Skip… A Poetic Reflection
You can’t hide from yourself. I whisper to the empty shelf. Ghosts materialize, energetic keys and landmarks stored improperly. Integrate or be gone. Either way, I am grateful for the release. All that’s withheld and encased, set free. Full throttle to find and pursue me all that is lovely. Mono e mono, Life and Me….