Little bird. Be still now. Listen carefully to me.
I see what you see and believe me… If it could be,
any other way to reach what I have in mind for you…
It would be and I would deliver it as any father would do.
But I want the best for you, it’s an investment.
And sometimes that means stretching.
I’m banking on your unbreakable spirit dear.
I need you little deer, to keep watching the crash impending.
Please. I know how it feels to be present, presently.
But you have to see, be a witness for me, walk softly.
Your soul has to reach boiling to release the dross you keep.
Your spirit, toiling to be moved to move the mountains before thee.
Can you do this quietly with me?
Little bird. Your wings are still growing.
These walls are the only thing standing between.
You and plunging to the ground beneath.
You think you’ve seen everything… funny thing.
Since you are still but a nestling…
You’ve never left the nest, never spread your own wings..
The stories were from the wind, playing pictures on these walls, see?
They don’t belong directly to anybody.
They are versions from the blue sent to everyone listening,
maybe an energy you once knew, a messenger specific to you…
Out of everything, receive this love note from Me.
Together, we will overcome and dance through this valley.
A visitation from an old soul companion
while in this rendition you become brand new.
Let your feathers come to you,
and when the time is right…
You’ll know what to do…
Spread your wings.
Take flight. Take flight.
With all your might take flight!