One down. Four to go.
Five massive strongholds,
in one fatal blow, the bodies go lame.
There’s foul play at the fool’s gate.
Funny business, no game all nonsense.
Quick fixes ending in a checkmate…
The emperor and his foolish ways.
Misunderstanding the meaning of balance.
Poor judgment is the standard residing inside of these…
Until what they receive is in direct alignment,
with what they have previously given,
to others in a similar position, mercilessly.
Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.
So… tell me… Is the unified idea of justice self-serving?
Is it me projecting the stupidity infecting and harming everything?
Or am I just here, witnessing everything happening?
Convince, convict, conform me to the deepest root of truth.
Don’t let me be devoured by the deluge of delusional thinking,
Don’t let the soured contents this reality is spewing, drown me.
It threatens my peace, anytime I lift my head,
It claims my rest when I sink into my bed.
It’s demeaning and consuming crawling these main veins.
navigating the belly-dragging entities, eye-opening.
Parasitic Energies feeding off my fellow human beings.
Used, abused, conflicted, confused.
one by one like dead batteries,
Tossed into the blue.
… Without ever knowing the antidote is the truth...
Enough is enough for me, this is nothing new…
Calling all natural laws to conspire with me,
illuminate this tragic parody, pull the veil from me.
Please project beautifully to the living..
Be One with those aware of their actions,
Or any who wishes to be without knowing.
Come meet those riding the fence forcefully.
Be opposed to anything opposing the living.
Protect and uplift those doing what they can.
Miracles of nature live around us, become tangibly.
Guide my feet through this dumb-blindness.
I ask that each intervene accordingly to the Divine Mind.
Relieve us to live according to the plans made for each.
Breathe out the death in me, and bring in my destiny.