The cows are in an uproar the gig is up.
The chickens have all begun to cluck.
The fowls chirping over foul play, all day.
The goats are butting heads with everything,
Deliverance, please, a dose of peace…
the noise is never-ending!
The snakes are in the grass again.
A Conspiracy! The weasels own the coops that be.
And apparently, sold the foxes a universal key.
It seems we are living in Fear’s wet dream,
please excuse the crazy it’s not me, really,
it’s my surroundings showing, I think…
7 deadlies, quick-released in the gated communities.
The horses are braying, the sheep are bleating.
The masters of the homestead forgot what they were doing,
But that’s okay, True North is on Its way,
serves all sides to believe me…
Anything claiming a seat currently,
might want to be aware of the season unweaving.
Don’t forget the saying.. with great power comes great responsibility.
Better pray the powers that truly are, deal mercifully,
With anything laying claims to what hasn’t been received honestly.
Won’t find me weeping for these, in fact, they are lucky,
this universe doesn’t belong to me… Or they’d had stopped breathing
The moment they started consuming and destroying the living.
Like my namesake, they’d have been born burning,
for the roles, they were destined to plan on unfolding.
But don’t be deceived, one power can only overturn another,
of equal or lower stature in this stampede,
and in the scheme of all Its creations,
the Divine Lover trumps everything.
Three King me. The irony, since it is all things…
Like sock puppets extending from the same body.
fighting, fighting, sounding like an empty gong.
Left and right. Black and white. Wrong and right.
Victory and all things opposing... Upright living.
Standing on two feet, deep roots.
Reaching for the sky, into the blue,
knowing full well what I’m in service to.
Gonna be funny, you’ll find me laughing under the fig tree
Resting easy with the living in this valley of dead things.
Dancing in peace while these principalities deal out balance for all to see.
Soak in the scene, can you see it yet?
All hands on deck receiving the same nets they’ve given.
Outcomes are based on deepest beliefs
and secret tendencies that lead others to grief.
Take a deeper look at these, time is ticking,
and the funny farm is churning toward release.
The final exam will contain the secrets we keep.
The tendencies that tend to stay hidden deep,
we all have them if we see ourselves honestly.
And how sweet it is to be freely,
to enjoy all things, burden-free.
Trust and believe, the reprieve, it’s moments like these,
Dealers receive the hands they’ve been dealing energetically.
Have you’ve been deceived, betrayed, or lacked anything,
while doing everything in your power to be loving truly?
If so, then fear nothing and bask in the irony weaving.
Especially if everything you had to give, amounted to pennies.
You’ll enjoy the overarching plotline as it’s thickening deliciously.
I hear the wind whispering to anyone listening,
Rest easy in the meantime my little fellow bovine.
The space for roaming free is yet to be.
Finally, this sick fantasy is ordered to return what it’s stolen from the living.