That insta-gratification just isn’t for me, unlike Canada I’m just not Sorry,
No apology is required or desired from me, *shrugs* I guess,
my guilty button has been rewired to recharge me any time I’m pushed.
after all that has transpired, I desired to be free of it completely.
I don’t care if you like me, and I get it intimately,
sometimes I’m my own worst enemy it would seem…
this place is full of things that still surprise me.
From enemy to best friends with me, finding my well of love runs deep,
feeling myself fully feeling more complete as epiphany sinks in and takes a grip,
a little sweet and soft, hard not to feel a little ego dip the moment I get it.
The moment the argument turns to gravy, the epiphany, the personal new epitaph to me,
and suddenly, I’m listening, captivated audience within me,
I’m eating every word I’ve been saying, willfully, hungrily.
Finally starting to get it… this is what truth tastes like.
Practicing, and practicing, shifting higher within my endless reality.
Facing life more gracefully always standing, reaching for the best in me.
Thanking past versions for making the offering and passing such a baton on.
Realizing from seasons past, my prior and future selves took a beating
While looking forward and back at me fondly, and winking, like;
Watch me Other Bernie, look what I can do, better believe I am doing it for you!
Now I’m looking at them through the moments in between,
appreciating every time both sides of my timeline saved me,
and my ‘sorry ass’ from an eternal whooping.
Realizing yet again, that every moment is an opportunity,
to take the reins and do the same for other versions of me.