It’s funny, will I ever get used to asking and receiving immediately?
Or will it always amaze me? Running along the concrete river that gives me peace.
And suddenly, something has changed, since yesterday,
Chalked little messages I choose to take personally.
“You are awesome. You are doing great! Keep going!
We’re happy you are here…“
A bright light in the night sky dancing visibly above me,
Looking around to see if anyone else is seeing what I’m seeing…
Or if they are feeling anything similar to the one bubbling in me?
But nothing… choosing not to see things magically is a disease.
Then life reminds me, that what’s meaningful to me,
doesn’t have to mean anything to anyone but me…
That’s the beauty of everything invading and constructing the surroundings.
Touching each living thing differently even in shared encounterings. And achieving it seamlessly, brilliantly… a perfect divine drama, a comedy of errors.
Suddenly the theory of unwitting conspirators undoes me.
I’m suddenly seeing, countless faces sent to meet me,
to see what I might say and do should they confront or assist my way,
allowing me the opportunity to say and do those things I’ve meant to, through ironies.
Life is a funny thing…
What’s mine is mine, and what yours is yours?… is this right?
But what if I finally get the true meaning, what’s ours is ours?
We are but seeds, pods connected to an Everliving Tree…
Because life drops hints for me, it’s by design no one else sees.
The perfects grounds for testing integrity, duty, loyalty, and dealing fairly.
If I can face these internally, how much more so external to me?
Or maybe it all means nothing,
and I’m reaching for light through my misery?
I don’t feel miserable though,
and that’s the truth, no time for that state of being.
Life is full of mysteries just awaiting uncovering.
How I would love to stumble on a single one of these daily.
And when the opportunity comes for reflecting…
Would I share it with the rest of humanity?
Or would I be sworn into secrecy, so deep,
that the truth can only be offered through observing and doing?
Sealed by an oath so sacred the utterance would be the last breath I breathed?
Because life and death rest in eternity. To betray this is to betray everything.
To betray you is to betray me, to betray me is to do the same to the rest of humanity.
It’s mind-blowing if I’m truly thinking… And I am. So, there it is.
And I am ever becoming, yet, this is it. A little branch, on an overarching limb
extending from the trunk and roots, let loose into everything.
Ever reaching and generating, dying and rebirthing.
And how can I not be perceived by something that inhabits every cell of me?
Why should they, since it was meant for me? How can I hide from an all-seeing entity?
Now I’m dancing into each day, humming some tune that’s origin is a mystery.
But it feels natural coming to and from me. It goes with everything,
It’s harmonious with my heartbeat and in this moment,
I’m perfectly happy in my own skin. I’m open to being amazed again.