I came in swimming in this internal knowing. I am not alone in this thing.
Always felt like someone, something, was watching, behind the scenes.
Protecting, directing, reminding me. I am the real thing,
and as of yet, I still don’t know what this means.
But I’m searching, seeking the truth no matter what the cost.
Waiting for the Almighty to lay it out for me. Explain it intimately,
I’ve been known to be slow to pick up on things.
If even great rulers have struggled and failed to know the truth,
All I can do is trust and believe you will play with me differently.
Expose hidden secrets that have been waiting for me to unleash.
I take my time when I’m getting to know something…
When I absorb a matter, I like to do it fully, completely
until it becomes me and no label is needed.
I absorb and transmute it to become,
less of an eyesore to the evermore.
More myself than ever before,
more beautiful as Life opens a new door.
I feel my heartbeat extending past me, seeking a beacon in my surroundings,
something that’s been inside of me since the beginning.
In sync. Becoming in tune in parallel to my reality,
so in perfect timing, we could meet.
Becoming a powerful duality. It’s destiny, I’ve tasted it and it’s fed me.
More convince than ever, I’ll know you the instant we meet.