Sometimes I see in shades of blue
Swimming, fighting through currents I can’t seem to break into.
Need YOU to fill these cracks and be my glue,
before the shadows seep through..
Keep the deep greys away
I can’t see the Son clearly,
through the dark shades gathering to fight me.
I can’t quite seem to find
A way to break through their front lines…
The depth of YOUR love left unexplored
Lost in the sauce the fear leeching life out of me
I’m done wrestling my best defense,
I’m running back, back into YOU.
I’m done fighting if it’s not for TRUTH.
In my best defense, All I can say is
I’m sorry I didn’t know any better…
Now that I do, I’m trust falling
yeah, I’m diving in trusting on eagles’ wings!
Finally doing what I always meant to.
All I want is to fall into YOU
All I’m asking is that YOU Be my parachute.
You caught me when I was young.
Told me I was on a mission.
Spread love, don’t give fear room spread
to let it operate is to be dead. To choose death.
I didn’t listen to YOUR simple instructions
and found out the hard way.
Fell into disbelief… and started sinking…
Now I’m. Swing for the outfield in me,
Longing for everything YOU meant me to be.
YOU fashioned me to be a seeker…
My sword is curiosity over YOUR word.
YOUR word alone is rest for me.
The word on the street is
YOU have love for me…
I believe I believe this
That means, everything living lies in YOUR grips…
With that being said it makes sense
I can’t help but look for outcomes with infinite possibilities
as YOU spin thoughts far beyond my reach
Into me, YOU breathe infinity so simply…
Now nothing but YOUR glory will satisfy me
Can’t ditch this itch that there’s so much more to explore
Seek and I will find, that’s what YOU said to me.
I’m inclined to believe that this means,
If I ask a question the answer is inclined to find me.
Cause that’s how YOU designed me…
To Infinity it’s nothing yet even one inkling is beyond me
A million others at my fingertips
just waiting to be explored,
How anyone could be bored is beyond me,
and for that, I thank you eternally…
I know in my spirit these things are true
Strengthen the weakness in me
because here, at this moment
my flesh is in need of YOUR eternal love
YOUR leading, please extend YOUR reach to me…
I have no idea what direction to go
I can’t know what you don’t show
So please teach me, send me running toward the goal!
Assure my feet with YOUR movement through me
please let not a single second go unspent between US
I wish to spend all the time I’m given living in YOUR glow…
Under YOUR impression, everybody I run into holds YOU
and bears some testament to YOUR truths.
With YOU, with YOU what can I do?
Be intimate with me make me new.
Show me beautiful facets of YOUR Truth,
Lead me to see the humanity in each being YOU treat me to.
Liberate me by the seed of YOU growing inside me,
make me an instrument of your peace,
it’s what I wish do be help me to see YOU more clearly.
Fill me with YOUR good fruit as YOUR Tree of Wonder takes root…
To know that even a drop of YOUR true essence has been spent on me
Means everything… I know what it feels like to speak into an empty room
Don’t make me an empty room fill me with YOU…
Don’t let me hold back the river of insights YOU pour through…
Only you can turn tragedy into construction with me.
The empty echoes stretched me. They stripped me of my vanity, and for that, I can only thank YOU… It’s true because now,
I only crave savory dreams and the kingdom gifts breathed out of YOUR eternal Lips…