Sipping on something glorious
while the dawn kisses my cheek
with its chilled lips.
I have a feeling
I’m gonna be victorious,
as the steam rolls around ticklin’ my nose
I watch it lift off the mouth of my mug
and it hits me… As the rays from the rising Son
Highlighting the lesson for me
I watch it deepen its shades through
the disappearing steam cloud.
It’s all about timing, and it’s about time I see.
It’s time for me to see things differently,
between YOU and me it’s been getting a little noisy
My taste lately, would have me…
running for the hills, climbing over mountains
searching eternally for the fountain spouting these endless inklings…
Each potentially leading me toward the infinity awaiting me…
Opportunities beyond me calling my name,
sending me laughing over the valleys in play
dancing over seas on an inside joke YOU wrote
To me from over two-thousand years ago…
YOUR spinning up a storm
between YOU and me…
It’s been just YOU and me this season
YOU’ve been seasoning me for a reason, I believe…
YOU see, YOU are my everything
and now that I have YOU
nothing is outside of my scope.
be the vision I see,
fill the action I seek
Dress me in YOUR fashion
Be the Garment that wears me.
between YOU and I am in the best hands.
I’m asking against the odds this time.
Sending me laughing from YOUR waters,
pull me into YOUR boat, let me in on the joke
that will carry me through…
This is it folks… I’m laying it down now,
the truth can be sought and it loves to be found.
To be found it must first grow down,
then out like the trees, just like seeds.
Taking lessons from the trees,
so so many inklings just waiting
To take root between me and YOU
left everywhere for any to see
YOU found me, you found me
but we’ve all been too busy spinning over fake things
Forgetting the examples woven into our beings
They all point to YOU it’s true…
They do, I dare you to test it
Just see what happens…
it will change you…
Only a fool couldn’t see it or someone
who didn’t want anyone else to see it for some reason
spiritual grinches, stealing seeds from the finches
just to see how far they can send them flying in the wrong direction
Perfection comes when the fire reigns down…
Not one of these will be found, look around… can you imagine?
*breathing in*
YES that’s the smell of peace
and a lack of sweet nothings…
This is what everything sounds like.
The birds and the bees if it pleases YOU.
Wind through the trees, a river running too
and the smell of sweet blossoms on the breeze
telling the story of the warm season coming
for those who don’t do rotten things…
This story spins into the greater scheme perfectly thank you for the insight YOUR friendship entices in me…