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- I am creative and immersed in creativity
- I am receptive and open to the growth of the creativity seeded in me
- I am receptive and open to the growth of unconditional love seeded in me
- I am receptive and open to the growth of my ability to give and receive love unconditionally
- I am receptive and open to the growth of my ability to love beings back to life
- I am open and receptive to being cared for by my roots while I reach and extend the resources I am given to others You bring to me along the path
- Open my eyes to the truth
- Tear back the veil
- Unleash my inner beauty and lioness to bring down the shadows with your eternal light
- I ask for playful interactions with You
- Fill me with joy, give me a million reasons to laugh
- I am open and receptive of the seeds of gratitude igniting and coming to life rapidly throughout my experience
- I am open and receptive to the seeds of power and abundance igniting and coming to life rapidly
- I am a weapon, a tool, a divine extension from the healer, the warrior, the creator of everything. I am led to being accordingly
- I see wonders in everything
- I see beauty everywhere I look
- I absorb wonder and might with grace
- I absorb beauty and grace everywhere I go with gratitude
- The central sun inside of me ignites and bursts into my being bringing me more to life with each breath kindling its fire
- The love I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The beauty I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The peace I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The wisdom I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The answers I seek are mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The oasis I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me, acting as sanctuary for myself and anyone I meet
- The experience I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The joy I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The kinship I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The companion I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me
- The abundance I seek is mirrored from inside of me and reflects through me, so that it has no choice but to gravitate toward me.
- All that was meant for me, flows to me immediately, any blocks or reservations are disbursed and fall to pieces.
- My hunger is satiated, my energy is in balance and overdrive equally, I am an unstoppable force because I extend from an infinite supply