What a difference a little change can make. Take out all equations and focus on the X factor within. The intersection point, you know the one… It comes with no further deliberations, just existing in harmony, Imagining best outcomes for everything. While allowing what is to become… I release what doesn’t serve me, to never become again. Witnessing in awe over where life takes me when I’m willing to see beauty in all things. All the more beauty comes to me.
Silence transforms. A space reborn. From gallows; to golden reflections. Sun flecks, and streaming beams, rays flood between. Illuminated emerald shadows through the leaves; dancing over the grass beneath. Shaded blossoms yawn into bloom, making room for the birds and the bees to find their place in the symphony of dreams.
Green. And all the colors, visible to me, seen and unseen dancing in perfect symphony through my storyline as it flows through my mind, one miracle to the next, just by breathing. Drinking air deep feeding the well in buckets and torrents as Qi comes to me… Like Krill and to the mouth of a whale. In rainbows of light prana, yummy, It fills my belly, extending to all areas in the rest of my body. Inviting, a space emptied of all worry, all anxious thinking. All past renditions contain my ability to receive the best outcomes meant for me. Asking every reason for the highest versions of humor to come, sit with me; say their piece, and leave me laughing along with the waves lapping playfully, coming against only to power me, propelling me in the direction I’m following. Walking forward with the Universe surrounding me, a world within worlds as there are also in me. A microcosm of the macrocosm I embody.

Universal reasons for smiling, spreading free from vessel to vessel sparks igniting life into each. Insight and connectivity. Food for the soul outpouring. Phoenix rising. Soaring. I picture the hue leaking into everything. The golden reflection spins living tapestries within and meets me through the House of Mirrors that extends as far as my eyes can see. So without, I view the shifting waves, rocking me out of my sleep and stretching into my wings, transformation becomes a way of being, daily a new thing extending to lead me with grace and ease, through every phase-change. Aware of the journey it turns to me, contemplating.