I want any reason to be close to YOU.
Any pearl of value YOU toss to me I accept gratefully.
Teach me to be a steward of YOUR will and wit.
I am as ready as YOU make me to be, and I’m gunning for everything YOUR kingdom coming exceedingly and beyond my wildest imaginings.
I’m talking about all that’s lost becoming victorious, suddenly.
All things feeding on them being tossed, suddenly.
The blind being shocked into seeing, Suddenly.
The viral being blocked so they flee from nothing, suddenly.
And my truest prayer today, may the father of all liars be rocked until he falls into his own traps and his ships all capsize… Suddenly, for all to see what happens when you come against something ALL MIGHTY.
Fill YOUR children with love and YOUR thoughts.
Turn us to face YOUR way to the paradise YOUR kindling from our inside spaces. I want to resonate YOU…
instead of the ‘nobody really knows me’ blues.
I want to sing your praises, you are my favorite artist…
YOU are what I want to pursue…
I have better things to do and infinitely more to know
than sow unfruitful seeds…
The unreadable scribble, the unknown scribe,
the little slave girl, with no one to share the inklings
burning away at her insides…
Left lifeless until YOU came down
To reside in her so she could confide in you…
Once again providing proof of YOUR infinite love.
And that in the end, the plot was simple. LOVE and Be LOVED.
It’s all about the stuff we’re made of.
What do we contain within us?
If they only knew the stories meaning more personally
they might know how much YOU loved them
but instead, we choose to live blindly…
Please teach us softly in the flesh
But to the spirit, tear the fearsome enemy limb from limb.
Cast the hatred, jealousy, and greed,
the power-hungry, away beyond Babylon.
I ask this of YOU…. Free us to love YOU more freely.
Open our hearts give us minds for this reckoning.
Each of us representing characters in a divine story…
the silent warrior, the ravaged butterfly,
the gentle giant, the musical genius
the invention king… All toiling.
and she a drop in the ocean, viewing…
Make me nothing but full of devotion to the source
breathing life infinitely into the ungrateful sea around me.
Dive into me while I dive into YOUR unfathomability, fortify me against nonsense… as I navigate the waters around me, find me.