Set attainable goals for the day, follow through, and then practice being okay with the work you get done.
Okay. This one I can get along with.
This prompt is going to be fun. I’m going to divide this into three sections. One I will complete now. At the beginning of the exercise, before any promises or goals are set into motion. Let’s not limit ourselves before we begin. So Here we go! What are today’s boundary lines?
Section One: BEGINNING

Today I am getting my glorious shape back!
Today I am on board with my own goals, and I no longer care for the same reasons as exterior influences suggest.
Today I stand firm on the foundation of truth and reflect on my urges, thoughts, and desires head and heart first. I filter them kindly and without judgment, being careful to forgive the states of mind and inviting them to come into harmony with the slow deep cycles of my breath.
Today the best material inside is realized through me. I have no choice but to see myself as my higher levels of intuition and guidance see me. It builds up inside me until it has no choice but to pour into my outside and surroundings. It extends as far as my experience, wisdom, intuitions, and drives arrange me in harmony with each moment.

Today I will examine shelves, dust, scrub, and polish every internal aspect I can reach until I glow and radiate the brilliance I feel inside. That seems like an attainable goal. Right?
Today I am going to do 200 repetitions of motion that aid in strengthening and compacting my core. I will lift my weights in various movements 100 times. I will hold my body in a stable straight position parallel to the ground while my core balances between elbows and toes. Not for any specific amount of time but three times. I will hold the plank until my body shakes and gives way to the joyful submission of releasing the attitude. What a beautiful lesson in group participation. What a way to participate in an act that physically represents the art of casting away and receiving cycles as they block or complement the present chemical cocktail, like a bit of salt on the rim of a sweet and tangy margarita to keep me sassy. At the same time, I swim through some personally icy spots.

Today I am going to drink water when I feel drawn to eat. When my stomach growls at me, I will listen and commend it for waiting its turn and allowing me to work peacefully over warm coffee. I will take the time to listen in and ask myself what sounds delicious to me today. Is it the Halloween candy stuffed in the throw drawer screaming for me to release them from their ridiculously over-planned wrappings? Or a juicy plate of eggs, avocados, and a slice or three of bacon, topped in pulpy orange juice or Vitamin C water.

Today I am going to take time to brush up on old topics of interest. Starting with neural peptides and maybe ending in NET Body/NET Mind connections leading to deeper understanding and wise insights into mental alchemy… And then who knows where from there.
Today I will step outside as often as I get up to refill coffee. I will take a deep breath and say thank you for something, anything, that’s happened in the meantime between visits.

Today I will listen to something I can’t help but dance and wiggle to. I will follow the urge as often as it shows up.
Today I will find as many reasons to laugh as I feel anything bred from its opposite. I will go out of my way to fight these mental giants with fire with fire, ice with ice, earth with earth, and the wind, with my own slice of air.

Today I will use anything at my disposal to repurpose and balance otherwise stagnant energy. I will seek information and stimulus that makes me laugh reflects higher than the low operating system triggered automatically. I release negative thought loops and invite loving, creative, and wise insights to flood into the space provided by the release.
Today I will pay attention to my reactions and take the time to revisit each. So long as it conditions me to seek more warmth, more resilience, more patience, more openness, I accept it. Anything that blossoms more profound vulnerability toward the opportunity and experiences that I meet along the way. I am protected under the impression that life’s greatest joy is to keep me safe and sound, and nurtured.

Today I will remind myself at least three times that I am loved, and my deepest desires and needs and wants are met as they serve my higher purpose. I am guided through the more difficult landscapes with grace and ease, especially those I must make my way through.
Today I choose to see these through the lens of compassion and understanding so the memories that come forward in my mind can process into healthy reflections. A Series of points and mental images of ideas, thoughts, actions, and repetitions leading me to where I am presently situated in my time map.
Part 2:
Almost there!
So of my morning affirmations, they are coming along swimmingly. It’s 3:02 PM, and I’ve just now finished two bowls of cereal with milk for the win. I have accomplished all but 20 repetitions of the promised 200 abdominal workouts. (yay!)
I have finished 55 of the 100 arm workouts. As soon as I finish writing this section, I will jump back into them! It’s exciting to make goals in a way that the excitement begins before the event occurs. It’s like stepping up to the start line and waiting for the heat before stepping onto the track and taking the position I will be shifting into once they take off. I am grateful that each time I got up to refill my coffee, I was already picturing stepping outside for some fresh deep breaths of chilly air. And all because I set the intention and sat in it until the mental picture was so accurate that I could feel the cool air before I dove headfirst through the exit.
As far as fighting fire with fire, and water with water, and all that jazz it hasn’t taken much effort to ward off negative thoughts. Mainly because my mind has been busy around my mental checklist. Anytime self-doubt or feelings that I’m being silly, etc. arise, I remind myself that it’s new. What I’m doing is new, it’s my duty to explore and express it as fully as I am capable. My reaction will pass with deep breaths with my hand over my heart until I feel the beat normalizing. It’s a phantom that’s causing my heart is flutter.
The longer I sit with it, the less chaotic, consuming, and intense it becomes. So funny how that works. Unchecked the levels will rise until I’m in water up to my nose, and I need to flush before I overflow. When I slow down my intakes and purposefully browse through the present stimulus rather than frantically search for options and escape routes.
I am grateful that this experiment reminded me of the importance of mindfulness and sitting with myself. It’s so fun, like dribbling a basketball. It comes right back to me the moment I catch my breath enough to check in with myself.
I’ll check in one more time at the end of the day!
Entry #3
I was going to finish this section last night but I wanted to see if there would be lingering effects of my first two entries.
Spoiler Alert: There were!
I got up to make myself coffee and while I was waiting I was already imagining myself laying on the floor busting out some crunches. In my imagination I was smiling. It was such an inviting scene I gave the bubbling brew working it’s way to completion more slowly than I’d pictured. I could knock out 30 crunches before it finishes percolating.
So I did, and as I made my way back to the coffee pot I noticed the sink, the purified water tap, and the glass waiting for me to put it to use. I will drink more water, a glass for every time I get up to pee, eat, or other. So I did. And by the time I sat down for my first cup, I felt great, energized. I plan to keep up these practices and I will write down my progress each day for my own information. I am curious to see where it leads but I like where it’s taking me.