Dialogue Workshop! Imagine a conversation your character has within your story, or a random encounter like she’s ordering coffee from the barista at her local coffee shop.
Next, write it down, but only with dialogue—no dialogue tags or descriptions. Use dialogue to indicate your characters’ mood, emotions, and who is talking.
Prompt 7
“Excuse me?!”
“Yes, quite.”
“No, excuse you!”
“And what exactly am I excusing myself for?”
“You can’t just run someone over with your baggage cart and then pretend they are the ones in the way.”
“I didn’t realize that’s what happened. I apologize.”
“I don’t accept apologies. Not without the actual, ‘I’m sorry ‘part attached. So.”
“Well that’s a bit over the top wouldn’t you say?”
“No, I won’t say because I said so to begin with and I meant what I said.”
“Well, in that case, I’m sorry my baggage cart got away from me and nearly ran you over since it would have been impossible for you to step aside and get out of its mindless trajectory without making a big noise about it.”
“That isn’t an apology!”
“Isn’t that the point?”
“You said you don’t accept apologies so. I was following your rules.”
“I said. No. You know what. Never mind.”
“Alright, have a good day then. Oh. Yup, you know a gesture says a million words. Here’s one for your efforts. Yeah, doesn’t feel so great on the receiving end then does it?”
“I’m telling you. So soft a baggage cart could crush them. This is why I’m worried for the co…”