Fell asleep, thinking of a field of flowers, blooming.
A childhood dream, to see such a thing unfolding.
So much beauty takes a moment to comprehend.
I smell the daisies and lavender dancing in the wind.
The hills are live with the sound of music.
Humming to life all that has been, in harmony.
Come one, come all and see, the land of plenty.
Turn inside, spin in the spiral of direction, attention, and time,
become intentions put into action, fruit developing to feed future versions same as the ones who lifted a hand in other portions of the journey. Ask and receive, give the same and I desire to see. As much as feels good to me. In some moments, that means less than nothing. Here for taking and draining it would seem. Trying to help another play a part unbecoming. And so, I shift away. Trying on for size a new space in me, one filled with new lights of insight sparking in the sky to light the treasures I’m finding inside me.
All eyes in me, on me, whispering wind into my wings. Feeding me what they might need, and sowing in me the ability to return their kindness with interest in all things becoming before me. This thought followed me into my dreams, and the scenes planted were restful indeed. May it offer you a peaceful entry to sleep, or an expressive and beautiful energy to fuel your morning coffee.
May you’re day be filled with a thousand beautiful moments and enough peace and ease between to integrate paradise into ever more of your waking life… wherever this might find you may the day reflect wonder and new sparks of life until your being ignites into a stream of all things befitting.