AUTHORS NOTES: If you are worried about what someone might think or say if they find this in your notebook. You are doing it wrong *wink*. This practice is about you and your inside voice. Getting to know each other, and establishing an internal base you can come back to anytime life sends you sprawling after throwing you for a loop.
These gratitudes can be for things that have happened that made you feel a certain way. They can be about present moment items, such as breathing, thoughts that come to mind and make you laugh, ideas that make you aware of something you weren’t previously. The gratitude point can be over something that tickles one of your senses or awakens something extrasensory that’s come into your consciousness. THIS practice is a playground of possibilities.
You can write these from a year from the moment you are writing, looking back on all the beautiful things that have happened and presenting them in a bath of gratitude to your present self. The act of picturing and imagining your joy and desires fulfilled does so much more than simply giving you goals. It sets your internal systems into party mode (the helpful kind). Happy hormones are released that make you feel pleasant. The chemical reactions they catalyze in your body are electric, magnetic, and magnificent. Each little reaction produces potential energy toward the reality you’ve created in your mindscape. Maybe that energy is translated into motivation to go for a run or bust out some push-ups. It compiles perhaps into a surge of confidence rendering you capable of talking to Cindy-LuHu, Mandy Know-How, or Tom Do-the-thing.
When I as a person turn to practices that release higher potential. I tend to Be better, live more efficiently, happily, adventurously, loving, and compassionately. I am a more holistic version of myself. Where inspired action previously seemed lacking, life spontaneously revs me into full gear with a reminder of why I came in the first place. To become my best version, master my humanity and submit to the source of all life, light, and prosperity, and then spread the seeds that produce the best fruit in me. When these happy hormones are released and sustained, they become attitudes, characteristics, and traits. Habitual states of being more positive and grounded to life as you imagine it might be that lead you ever closer to the people, places, and material and immaterial items necessary to achieve the state of being you desire naturally, and in a sustainable long-lasting fashion.
Sometimes we have to get a little creative and utilize our powerful imaginations to work for us, not the other way around. Our minds have a way of getting in their own way with ego and not remembering. Our entire bodies are a miraculous spectacle of cohesion and unity. We have a duty to tend to the garden, and I’ve found this practice extremely helpful in getting out of my own way.
I hope you drown in peace, joy, infinite love, and abundance,
today and every day after.
Bon Appetit!
Thank you for waking me up today.
Thank you for turning me to face the best way.
Thank you for mapping my route and letting me learn to be silly.
Thank you for extinguishing any doubt that might hound me.
Thank you for leading me and fleshing out my weak points with dignity and humor.
Thank you for choosing me to follow this beautiful string of reality.
Thank you for pulling me from the lost and found I was bound to.
Thank you for lending a hand to mold me at my melting points.
Thank you for taking me through this journey playfully.
Thank you for tasking lions to tend to me.
Thank you for the company through this valley.
Thank you for plucking me from the fold.
Thank you for pulling off the blindfold
Thank you for stripping me of my wool.
Thank you for burning the boredom from my soul.
Thank you for giving me goals and solutions to aim for.
Thank you for the food. I don’t have to eat physically.
Thank you for helping me digest information properly.
Thank you for teaching me daily what unbreakable love means.
Thank you for guiding my footsteps into gleanings
outside of previous points of my beings comprehending.