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- Today is a new day, I’m rolling up my sleeves and kicking out useless elements; negative dreams, short-lived goals, poor desires steaming from perceived lack.
- Any distracting or misleading thought is banished and forced to flee from me. Any fear-based mechanism operating outside of my consciousness is dismissed and forced to expose themselves immediately for dismissal.
- I let go of every memory or impression that doesn’t serve me in this day and moment.
- I am efficient, effective, full of new growth and life shines beautifully through me.
- The author of life plays with me in ways beyond my imagination until I am open to any positive outcome no matter how supernatural or astounding the experience might seem prior to my experience of it.
- Joy finds me so often it is like sunshine peeping through the storm clouds to assure me everything is taken care of.
- It is my duty to stand and face life with dignity and gratitude.
- It is my pleasure to walk with the wisdom given to me as a birthright.
- I move through the day expecting the best outcomes in spite of how each situation might appear.
- Against all odds is one of my favorite adventure themes, it expresses itself freely in my life.
- The seeds invested in me have taken root and now come to beautiful and everlasting fruition.
- I believe the unexplainable can happen at any given moment.
- Serendipity isn’t just a trendy fun-to-say word, it’s a way of life for me.
- Surprise and joy, lessons, wisdom, wonders, signs, and unexplainable events are themes in my life that add spice and growth and love everywhere I go.
- I’m not just spinning, I’m dancing with the Author of Life.
- Any element inside of me no longer serving my purpose in life is commanded to exit the stage and run away as fast as it can.
- I can see through the way things seem and into the true nature resting uneasily behind it.
- Each false representation plaguing my mentality is forced forward into the spotlight, where it surrenders, and exposes the truth to me immediately.
- I have no fear left in me because I have been told the truth and it sets me free daily.
- No weapon formed against me will prevail, I was created to overcome every situation presented. I gratefully accept the lessons and gifts that come with each.
- I call on boldness as a companion, together we cast out any shadow of doubt still residing in me.
- Impenetrable wisdom is my armor, not even the sharpest arrows can penetrate or injure me.
- Agape projects through me every moment I’m alive.
- The author of life guides me through death and rebirth daily. It guards me through new pursuits and victories every day that I am alive… Thank you for the blueprint and keys to unlocking abundance.
- Life exists beautifully through me, it reaches into everything I touch and infects it with a hunger for all things leading to life, love, laughter, wisdom, and creativity.
- Compassion leads me, it guides my step and protects me.
- I won’t be deceived into thinking I have accomplished everything meant for me, I grow and gain ground and become an ever-evolving vessel of spontaneous growth and elevation.
- So long as I am breathing I am full of potential, I chose to exist at a higher vibration…
- There are universes and ecosystems residing inside of me, it is my duty to treat them with care and love. It is my pleasure to tend to the life existing inside of me and through me in unison.
- The three wise men find me in dew season, messengers come to me and expose my true identity as my maker sees me
- The teachers, guides, angels, and saints assigned to my life come to offer me what they have to give, and I freely offer what I have to give them in return.
- Please, send me, I will go if you are leading, I will follow you into any valley, over or through every mountain range. Over the oceans and seas surrounding me.
- I am bold and determined to do your will.
- Show me what you are like so I can mirror your image as you created me, lead me to become a fisher of men. Thank you for hearing me.
- With every breath in, I accept forgiveness, clarity, peace, compassion, faith, light, wisdom, and joy into my life
- With every out-breath, I exhale the negative, low vibrations I’ve intake or that have pushed in around me. I have a perfect filter that will not allow fear, hatred, jealousy, coveting, greed, slothfulness, or lust to infiltrate or affect me in an offensive manner.
- I invite all good things to live with me and teach me about the one who sent them.
- I want to intimately know everything beautiful, good, joyful, and full of peace.
- I want to hear the melody you made for me crystal clear, let it play inside of me always as a constant reminder that you are near, even at my doorstep, always eager to sit down and discuss what is happening around me.
- The time I spend in quiet silence turns me into a living stream of life-giving water. I ask to draw others to my maker.