Hello, old friend just checking in,
seeing how you’ve been.
Would you care to let me in?
Offer me a cup of friendly tea, maybe?
I’ve been catching a different vibe lately,
had to come and see for myself, don’t be afraid it’s me knocking.
Had me pacing, wringing my hands from the veil of eternity,
ready to message and breakthrough, and you know how I hate too;
I close my eyes and dive down. In and out. Up and through the air to you.
Only to confirm the truth. Misuse. Abuse. Scapegoat. No sign of truce.
No, Be, why won’t you call on me… you and me, we are outside dogs little T.
My turn to be a short fuse. Won’t see another neck I love tested in that noose.
Cut that fucker loose. I wage war with my eyes closed and a calm mind.
Redefine these lives into a smooth flow.
Lift away the knife place it under the holder’s nose,
and let them choose by their actions where it will go.
Be what you are going to be, Beautiful Bird.
But let your word be defined by the present.
Life! Please, I know you are listening.
This one has been a friend to me when I had nobody,
please, It’s me calling for mercy!
Find you while you’re falling asleep. Implanting a warmer memory.
Whispering a prayer hoping you’ll catch the wave as it vibrates.
Thinking of the million reasons I feel gratitude for you.
Hoping the influx works miracles through you.
Forget those assholes and hyenas they are what they eat…. dead things.
Fuck the fake friends they are just stealing your energy since they’re no longer producing,
those nice tries, the flies and parasites fueled by jealousy, ignore them they’re just angry.
It shows on their face and makes them ugly, not just physically, but spiritually, and mentally.
Like a flaming disease capable of spreading; and seeing you handling their hatred with ease, is gasoline.
Because they can’t be what you’ve become over a lifetime of patiently giving… they can take a hike.
I’m grateful Life is a bigger entity than me, because right about now,
I’d have your self-proclaimed enemies downhill on a dirt bike having the time of their life;
until suddenly forget how to ride. Goodbye. No more mister nice guy.
We were born to thrive not survive. See? Not meant to be held down in the bucket, really?
Why is anyone still like this? We can all live abundantly in our own thing…
People just can’t seem to learn to stay in their lane. Always gotta be copying.
That’s why they hate you, you’re part of the real thing. Good things take time.
We are simply learning to fly and sometimes that means falling.
It’s hard work to learn to use things that have only led to others abusing.
It takes a strange kind of strength not to learn to fade away.
Just some musings, but you know how I am… Long story short…
Spoiler alert: In the end, we use our wings to ride the winds day or night,
perfect sight, and insight to the furthest extent.
Can’t you see? You’re a treasure, your energy is vital. You are a tree like me.
You filter the air for others to breathe more easily. You’re a passing smile in the wind.
On a day when someone needs it. You are a glass of water
A deep sigh before a dying breath is brought back with wise insight.
You are an extension of light, I need you. I hope you read this plea daily.
You are not your surroundings unless you choose to be.
Never forget these things. Even when I leave this body.
You’ll always have me. Just stop and think. Drink in the air around you.
And know I’m the thing agitating the squirrel into freaking out in the bough above ye.
I can speak like this because this… is for someone precious to me.
Their eyes will see and interpret them properly.
You have always been a miracle to me.
The youngest apple falling. I’m calling.
See a heart on the horizon, I’m thinking.
See an infinity sign I’m trying to tell you.
I’m right next to you, wipe those tears away.
Now I understand my condition anytime I invited you in.
My sadness turns to piss with a little vinegar to rile things completely.
Enough is enough resinating within me. I’m dancing with heavy feet, translate me.
Mind. Spirit. Body. Remind me, I am not this body only, I am Spirit and a Soul ultimately.
Come, tell me where you’ve been,
let me help you see the adventure hidden within
these scary things are meant to test your integrity.
Be true to yourself little T you are the future of everything.
all the loneliness, all the worry, all the maybe I didn’t do the right thing…
The voices echo to remind you of moments that made you feel less.
The opposition is covering something deep. A little seed, ready to sprout its wings.
Come, let’s take a walk, take a load off, lose the socks. Feel that grass? Pretend it’s glue.
Pretend the ground beneath suction roots from your feet. Grounding you to everything.
Now imagine, there’s nutrition you haven’t been told of… because why would you have been?
This mess you are in, come breathe with me, we can beat the frenzy.
Author’s Notes:
This piece is, or was highly personal, but like most things I write,
If it feels like it belongs to more than me I release.
So, I release this to you. consider it a friendly root extending to remind you,
you matter. You exist for a reason. Your life is yours.
And someone out there needs you.
If you don’t feel that way, reassess,
and retract, and reinvest.
I love you Beautiful Soul.