Alright, Hello Fellow Story Lovers!
I have about 500 nearly finished documents (I’m not kidding…).
Most of them are short stories with the ability to expand into deeper narratives.
Quite a few have been building in the background of my journey, following me into each new aspect of my experiences. I’ve found their details hidden in passing expressions and when they’d come to mind to keep me company, I’d add them.
I would cherish your input. <3 I’d like to start an interactive series. I will be writing it as it’s produced but it’s based on ideas taken from these 500 documents and their potential storyline notes I’ve gathered along the way.
They are subject to change, and your input is definitely respected and taken into account…

Writing is a beautiful way to reflect. It’s really just another palate we can use to paint our deepest thoughts and experiences in, our dreams and desires, and curiosities have a way of bleeding in without our meaning them to if the content is authentic and true to the point of conviction…
Good stories can change the way we do things. The best, have a way of broadening the lens we spin our own narratives from. The most priceless tend to allow us to see from a deeply grounded, or at least, a more rooted perspective that remains unchanged by the winds shifting around us.
When I write from the heart over a matter close to me, I find it easier to see reasoning and view hidden beauty inside the message no matter what the outer package seems to be.
Helps me see stories more holistically.

I think more clearly and try to find outcomes that appeal to all parties involved rather than focusing on what works solely for myself.
When collaboration and nonexplosive outcomes are unavailable inside the plotline I’m navigating, I try to do damage control before the destruction descends, I look for windows of escape for those who weren’t meant to be destroyed only alerted or impacted by proximity to something going on behind the scenes.
Anyone whose role at the time was an unwitting bystander, any who seem to be a victim of circumstance, I imagine them living through someone else’s destiny point.
I try to find a new space for these unwitting conspirators to occupy while the storm passes by, and a reason for why they didn’t end up where they were going to be that leaves them grateful and shifting into a new direction…
If they’re relevant to the story moving forward they normally find a way to survive. Often they disappeared until later in the plot when their character’s come back onto the chessboard to fulfill their ultimate role. If the backstory of where they’ve been biding their time before re-entering the scene flows naturally you just know… going to be absolute gold when it’s good and ready.
The theme behind these short stories has always been “Unwitting Conspirators” .
Man… has the ride been a marathon! Absolutely amazing and other things! But I’ve gathered enough hot potatoes along the way that my storage compartment might explode if I don’t start getting them out to play with anyone willing to conspire!
POINT OF POST: I would love to know what readers are interested in hearing first. I’ll wait, and post my own picks but I’m excited for your input to fan the flame of inspiration.

Thanks for joining in!
I look forward to building adventures with you. We’ll start with genre’s that gather the most votes and requests.
Have a beautiful week! 😀
This is a fantastic idea! I used to love the choose your own adventures, or the stories where turning to different pages led to different story lines. What story out of your 500 intrigues you the most? Have any of them surprised even you as a writer, my vote is for that story 🙂