It occurred to me recently that trees are a perfect parabolic opportunity
They too, start with fertilized seeds
somehow finding themselves cast away from their seat between leaves.
They fall into the soil beneath. Where, ironically, they begin again…
Closer to the roots they came from than the branches that grew before them.
They’ll die before them and return again too
before the first of their new roots show through…
And so the cycle shines true…
hibernating, then germinating, growing down and then up
through the youthful spring grass that will pass before them
… and grow again too as if emulating the process the too must go through
In the new seasons they will grow through…
Each basking in the time given to soak up the Sun.
Each little sapling bidding its time to grow physically, visibly…
First focusing their energy on the roots building beneath until its web of absorption is complete..
Only then do they reach for the surface.
Interesting, today the lesson speaking is telling me growth begins within… “grow down deep, spread out my roots, then project out naturally to reach for the source of life while producing my fruits… Soak up the Son pouring abundantly through the environment surrounding me… Be like the strongest, the meekest, the most resourceful trees before me… build quietly, be like the most patient seeds… who grow, wherever they land…”