Lead me to extend the seeds I gather in the process appropriately.
Counsel me, teach me to speak with my heart.
Give me the bravery to do so liberally.
Without restraint, positively direct me,
into enjoying every moment of the journey.
Promise to never let me see days blend seamlessly.
Speak to me, send me love letters in universal ink,
commission guardians and playmates to find me.
Curate a collection of events that spark love, growth, and fun into action.
Dig deep roots of gratitude and peace that feed into everything I do.
Don’t let my days blend like grains of sand slipping through my cupped hands.
Take me, awaken and kindle me into an elevated state of being.
Command me to breathe evenly, to be perfectly.
Confident in my steps because Life’s directing things.
While I tend to my garden and listen in to my insides first.
I needed this, a universal kiss blown to me.
I consider it necessary spring cleaning.
The outside will reflect more radiantly each moment
I spend breathing and imagining beautiful realities.
Clearing away old haunts, dusting the cobwebs.
I am tossing out the baggage, burning the debts,
Taking down the decorations and decluttering closets.
I am burning a pile of harmful ingestees,
composting old negative notes.
I am feeling lighter as I go already.
I clean until each dimension speaks volumes to me.
I see each level in concert with clarity and peace.
Systems and constellations expanding in communion,
I become one, to twirl in with eternities shadow.
We’re dancing beautifully, feeding off pure energy.
This image is paradise to me.
Thank you <3
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