Fair to say there’s something in the air today.
A fowl game’s in play in this unfolding mystery,
or it appears to be that way at the very least.
This reality is not a bitch it’s a beast,
If you are going to coin it, get it right, please…
Piece by piece, picking up the breadcrumbs.
The moments of clarity keep me walking
over the bodies of dirty water and dead things.
Bury the deceased and tend the wounds where I can…
but shit man, I am only one woman.
On one shoulder got my little angel whispering quiet relief
while life continues mission of ‘test each one of my beliefs‘, good grief
On the other shoulder got a devil and its buddies
perpetuating rage and pain to distract and disease me…
both opponents bending their respective ears in whispers and screams,
wonder if you can guess which voice belongs to each
the never-ending battle between has me tearing at the seams.
Indecision makes me look dumb until I’m numb to the arguing.
Pushing and pulling my mentality between them until I was a divided kingdom.
My mind is in the middle reconciling between being convicted or convinced.
I am about to evict the one feeding me shit like,
“What’s happening around me… has anything to do with unity and bliss.”
This funny business is turning into mental sewage…
An overblown balloon, I’m popping and peacing out from you
… I’m coming into the belief the opposite of what’s presented is true.