Go down into the dark little child I’ll be here.
Holding your hand. See, eyes on me,
not even the biggest of them can harm a thing.
They can only ebb away at what you think.
Be careful of the wine you drink, always begin by filtering.
Being grateful for the opportunity, then anything harboring,
The ill intention will be forced to expose itself. You’ve seen this in action.
Don’t let the veil of forgetfulness numb you to your intuition.
It’s just wisdom from experience coming to fruition.
When it is whispering, listen, don’t make it green with envy.
Pay it time and attention, and offer it, love, through comprehension.
Seek it and it will find you too. This is a law I’ve put in place for you.
Don’t be afraid, whatever you do, be brave, be bold, and I am with you.