*Mental me takes a sip of her mental tea.
Even the cup is steaming judgmentally
… she watches me as if waiting.*
I’m not paying any attention.
I don’t have the bandwidth for an explanation.
I’m redefining my state of mind,
redecorating my existence,
asking for a spiritual facelift.
AND waiting, growing in patience
while living in constant anticipation and excitement.
I’ve done some erasing. I’m overlaying in pencil
what needed reexamining.
Internally revolting against what’s unuseful to me,
starting with this current mass lunacy.
I am separating and choosing sanctuary.
I choose to be at a frequency that allows me,
to observe natural laws with ease.
Walking through the existence extending
behind, through, and ahead of humanity.
Thank you for seeing the potential in this project. If you would like to donate to the cause of cultivating this and other posts into audio meditations and bedtime reflections and mysterious story-scapes. You will be remembered while I am recording and putting together the soundboards and backgrounds.
Have a beautiful day.