Dive into me, dive deep with me today.
Don’t just get my feet wet, tell me secrets saved for me!
Submerge me, I’m all in, make the time I’m given well spent.
Straighten the unnatural bends align everthing I’m made of to perfection.
Perfect and restore every borrowed piece I’ve been given to live in.
Make me walk mightily under your best impression.
Make this day wonderous, and my spirit compassionate.
Offer me everything I need to be pristine, and a good companion,
I ask this from Your abundance..
Build me up, turn me to a luxurious estate occupied with Your strange work.
Make me a peaceful sanctuary to everyone passing through.
Teach me what to say and do.
Cut the fat away from my mind, body, and spirit.
Make me, a lean, mean, love machine capable of catching fire easily.
A contagion, full of light and wisdom like the content taking residence in me.
Teach me to use what I’m given properly, help me understand the blueprint.
I won’t purposefully waste an inch, not a second, not a breathe I’m given.
I come into agreement with Your will for me today.
And so, I expect great and unthinkable things to unfold before me,
Today is the day unfathomable treasures and connections find me from North, South, East, and West.
Thank you for the opportunity to explore and play in Your infinite way.
I ask this in the name of Our Father, YAH,
thank you for hearing me in advance.