I see you finally. Clarity is a funny thing, free indeed.
And just like that, I chose to let Life define me.
There is nothing about fears’ true form that affects me.
It can’t wreck me if it’s wriggling under my feet.
Can’t bite if it’s broken beneath the intentions it held for me…
Best part. My duty is to do nothing but move through these shadows gracefully.
Just be what I am gratefully, in union with the rest of the universe surrounding.
In opposition, I’ll act as a reflection long enough to see,
Glimpses, pieces, and capabilities. How they affect me.
Won’t find me waiting for disaster to strike.
I love life and I trust it to lead me, I wish to live it constantly crescendoing,
until death does dip, and then lift me into the next scene.
The unsung hero really, a dark law as real as gravity is perceived.
The unwitting harbinger of a new thing rising?
Maybe. But here I go digressing.
Too much to see to accompany forces such as these while I’m still alive and breathing.
Can’t believe we pretend to be living, while stuck on repeat,
imagining how we might meet that final moment,
until the moment comes and surprises each?
I love where Life takes me naturally,
and I always land on my feet.
Running, then flying, see?
I eagerly await everything, deep down knowing each season has its moment in the sun.
In this momentary-offering, the sun shines on me.
The moon watches over my sleep, singing softly,
swaying a cool breeze through the pine trees.
The stars light the night and glimmer to remind me;
I am a satellite, roaming the sky wondering where I fit,
caught between the earth and the stars,
wandering purposefully with no respite.
Or… maybe the rest is found in constant movement?
And so, I will run without tiring until this mission is complete.
And I’m allowed to drift with ease, falling back into the waters beneath,
returning to unity with everything, at perfect rest on the floor of the sea.
At perfect ease, ever alive, ever experiencing life shifting around me.