A million eyes inside open wide.
The feeling of disillusion is throbbing,
a million fists beat against me.
My spirit is trembling at the army assembling.
Infidelity pounding against the door, demanding entry.
Save me, save me, my heart is sobbing.
Is there salvation for me? I’m beginning to question things.
No vacancy, so why does indecision consume me?
Is there anyone out there? Can you hear me? I’m trying.
Defy all odds rising against me.
Stand tall as blood turn their back to face me.
Allies drop like flies treating me like the enemy.
Am I being honest or acclimating to the lies surrounding me?
If the answer is simple,
if the solution is within my reach
If victory is there for the taking.
Why can’t I seem to see it clearly?
Intuition, I’m calling. Courage, don’t fail me.
Come alive inside or leave me empty.
Hot or cold, I won’t have what’s in between.
I am asking. I am praying. Break the silence in me.