Sorry, there’s no room here.
He was tapping the timepiece at his wrist.
Head down. She disappears from existence
for the last time. She falls into eternity.
Disenchantment, profoundly unimpressed,
she fades from the daydream opting,
for a role behind the scenes, drifting.
Watching… taking things sincerely.
So deep, she finds the purpose and meaning.
No room for loose strings pulling and twisting her being.
She was willing to stare into the face in the shadows.
Until the thoughts haunting the shallows come to life.
Skeletons tap dancing over center stage.
Teeth clattering while their chattering.
Whispering secrets through ghoulish grins,
echoing in from what has been.
She drifts above silently, using her invisibility for listening,
By the end of her journey through space and time, she’s still absorbing.
Picturing herself floating back to center stage, witnessing the masters.
The Skeletons and their keys, an aerial view of the secret happenings.
A full-frontal, a visual over crimes against humanity each moment,
each item taking a bite out of the invisible lady’s ethereal beauty…
The anger boiled down to curiosity once the fear of it left me.
Clarity and peace came in time to see the scene playing more clearly.
In the end, she felt love for every last piece of the puzzle.
Puzzling, since so many seemed to be villains in some sense.
Not one of them had meant her harm in person.
Some had even extended a helpful hand.
Others a friendly arm to fall apart on in private…
down to the phantoms working the strings,
she found redeeming qualities in each.
Each of them, a piece of the scene building
and all she could do was wait, all the while remembering.
“Each component chooses its fate
while wondering, wandering, and watching.
What’s life saying? What’s it all mean?
This is only a fraction of everything.“
She watched them, wondering how they got to be in their direction?
As she caught a sunray into the dawning day, leaving the play behind her.
Shaking her head as her eyes took in this new beginning,
Suddenly feeling differently. No need to fall on the sword.
If they’re gonna throw their stones anyway,
guilt-free, she flew into the new way of doing things.
The sky is no limit it’s just the beginning.
She breathed the expression, naturally.
Wondering over the characters in the play behind them.
Would ever get what they’re looking for, even then…
Would they care, had they known
they were so close to paradise?
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m no weatherman.
But one look out my window tells me it’s a bit windy.
A second glance assures me the scene isn’t friendly.
… It seems wisdom has left us to our experience.
A final gaze tells me to walk away without looking back.
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