So, this morning I was cleaning up the kitchen and putting away the dishes, morning chores, etc. and the most playful little scheme started playing through my mind. The idea of it made me want to learn how to animate so I could bring it to life instead of just… describing it and hoping my words or hand gestures and scribbled outlines make the blueprint of it properly. Made me a little sad that I only have a hundred years to learn how to do everything I wish I could. My learning curve is learning to let life be my professor and take notes. Since I can’t animate… yet… I will paint the scene that I found while I was cleaning, enjoying my morning coffee, and jamming out to my recently fabricated dance party mix.
It is heart-baked and meant to speak to the inner child in anyone hungry for a little fun and reflective Absurdity.
Bon Apatite,
It was a typical day in the growing forest.
Birds warring over the best branches and who was the poorest,
While others twittered over various romances
and the most perplexing of complexes.
The deer and the turkeys bumbling and eating
while those lurk in the shadows remained unseen.
And their preditors all roamed about free.
Beneath the canopies, life blossomed year-round
in each corner in each clearing and grove in between,
Something, anything could be found happening.
One such instance, in such a certain case,
A standard showdown is taking place.
A Little Bunny Doe casually sitting,
cleaning its plump rear quarters in a manner unwitting,
The enemy had the seemingly defenseless bunny cornered.
The enemy found this unnerving.
Surrounded by a deadly foe and still,
the little rabbit hadn’t tried running.
So… Either It didn’t know the danger it was in,
or this brave little bunny could keep its shit composed.
A pack of wolves is the culprit at hand,
all sitting in the circle awaiting command.
Leadership is scrambling too.
This characteristic has them confused.
He cocks his head, unsure what to do.
The friendly Fuzzball surrounded on all sides,
offering each Sentinal Its big soft eyes.
No one was moving, it was like, the entire scene had frozen.
The only thing in motion was a curious twitching in its flopping ear,
The adorable bunny sniffled in through its cute little nose.
The leader of the pack felt inclined to protect It.
The sensation caused a conundrum, reserved only pups, and den-pals.
And this little long-eared fuzzy was neither mate nor pal.
His inclination felt outlandish… or crude.
And deep down he wasn’t that dude.
He growled his confusion before stepping back.
Followed by the team leads of the pack.
Together they discussed the semantics while the others stood to watch.
Over the little bunny who seemed unafraid, like, it knew something they didn’t know.
Though they were hungry they felt somehow guilty over the morsel en toe.
because how could they eat something so dang dainty and slow?
The wolf pack let their guard down and turned their back.
Spinning back around they found little bunny doing something new.
Little bunny suddenly viciously fights back.
Little did this poor pack know
Fate had blown them into a shitshow,
and things were about to change fast.
How could they have ever known
they’d stumbled on a rabbit with a past?
A thousand illusions flowed between them
As the little bunny breathed them into being.
His eyes turned red, as he lost his head, and he
reached into his fur, hands disappearing
As if into hidden holsters at his hips.
Only to return again bearing little sparking nunchucks
While staring daringly at the sentinels standing watch.
A hundred squealing electric blue rabbits rushed out
as he started spinning the weapons about.
Haunts and phantoms poured in around them in blue.
Electric prey from the past roaring in to overwhelm the pack.
Each wolf burst into action, dispersion, to each his own they each went.
To circle back and discuss what they’d just been through.
The little bunny smirked and enjoyed the show.
When the light comes the shadow knows, and… away it goes.
The blueberry bush he’d made his way to was left silent and inviting.
He chuckled joyfully, answering, Don’t mind if I do…
As he hopped over and disappeared into the lush paradise full of fruit.
Whatever you do… Don’t be afraid