A thousand new things each day passing between me and eternity.
I’m ready, freefalling daily… into the pits and over peaks.
I’m dirty, ready for some rain on my face…
Send the waterfalls to find me. Refresh me.
Send me leaping in again when I’m ready.
I accept whatever it takes to develop eagle wings
I’ll spread it in feathers if I have too
I’ll bleed a million pens dry
Toss ten thousand words to fly
with whatever melody I’m riding on.
Cast a hundred bottles to the wayside just in case
Some remnant of humanity might swim by,
and maybe see their own face smiling in the reflection…
I’ll spend as many lifetimes as it takes shaking free.
Pick my battles carefully while I live among living things
living carelessly, moving through the chaos
with a certain kind of unity…
Even in inharmony,
all things involved actively dancing,
in chaos, in fear, in anger, in anything low hanging
there are strings of good steps to follow and cling to.
Lead me to a higher way…
Oh… I long to see it beautifully,
the path extending in front of me.