Learning to intimately meditate without all the pomp and circumstance…
Meditation is meant to be an intimate internal moment. I don’t know about you, but my journey into my thoughts didn’t really begin until I put down all the books and manuals and just… sank into myself. Sometimes it starts with just listening in to the chatter without interrupting. Or playing along and filling the space with something that dances and spins in so beautifully we have no choice but to stop and take part.
This practice has helped me quite and bit and today, for the first time, I felt inspired to share it and felt the ability to describe how I do it for myself in a short sweet little tutorial prior to the reflection.
You are so much more than you can imagine. We all are, and some of us spend our whole lives thinking we know ourselves while really missing out on the real meat and potatoes while taking what we’ve been told by others to heart to a greater degree than what we tell ourselves behind the scenes.
I think the best decision I’ve made to date is taking things to heart rather than seriously… My heart has fallen in love with peace and quiet, and I heartfully desire the same for you.
I hope this sparks your creative genius!