Simply elastic I will to be bendy
While YOU bend me freely.
This is my submission… please,
Simplify me, ease me into position
I wish to be a happy pill
Fill me with your substance… please,
I command the sea
to spit up good things for me.
For me to see.
Let that decree bleed into everybody
willing to view this place
through the lens of your Son.
let YOUR will be done… please.
I proclaim war against the Wormwood.
Lifting its bitter head again
to menace and oppress the defenseless.
Send them running for the hills and caves.
All the hidden ways YOU will tear them from.
Their hunger for lost sheep
will be the death of them,
They’ll seem, and we’ll see too
the mighty things YOUR hand can do.
We will see in YOUR timing…
Let YOUR Kingdom come in me
pull the wool from my ears
I will this,
Uncover my eyes
try this temple on for size
Just do it…
if YOUR presence tears me in two
… So be it!
I don’t care for this life
if it doesn’t involve YOU.
YOU invested in me when I was still festering.
Blistering, hot in my being with nowhere to turn to…
Looked around and only found YOU
“I need to be with YOU.
Nothing less will do
I can’t bear a synthetic,
another ruse…”
Even the best counterfeit doesn’t suit YOU
Not one can come close to embodying YOU
Fill my vessel, fuel this wrestling.
In the end,
make me not to break when I bend.
When I bend let be to my knees in your presence
Rename my body, mind, spirit too
Cloak my nakedness in you
Wrap me in YOUR divinity
claim me personally,
crystal clear me
so I see clearly you choose me too
that I am YOURS
I only belong to YOU
remold me to suit, then…
shine your light on through.
No government, No system can outshine The Truth
… and sellouts can only abuse their loopholes for so long
Before nature would have them to be gone…
And in the end, is irony infinity times infinity
As the never-ending story goes and grows…
So it goes. Dig deep, down then out..
And so it grows.
Divine Irony secures the dealers’ necks in
the same noose it’s sent others more innocent through…
If only they knew, if only they knew.
The device of their shadowed rise
becoming the method for their demise too.
Death comes for those who stand closest to and fear it.
So those who use it to spread abuse… they lose.
In the end, it gets to them too…
And believe me he hates his reflection
worst of all of them…
Father, come against spirits who’ve lied about you
Tear them to pieces for all to witness
so those misusing others ignorantly might see.
A final act of mercy before YOU burn the trait away completely…
… Send us gifts
Good fruits from your kingdom
Let your kingdom come to each of us
Refresh us with each breath we take
Revise us with every step you make
Refine our weakness to shining gold
you make the weakest link bold
Ask me how I know…
Inside out, right side up, feet on the ground
ready for take-off when your wings reign down
There is only one master of mine being, and that’s you
Against us two? There’s nothing the enemy can do
Do everything through me…
I have nothing to lose when I’m with you.
My victory isn’t a gamble, it’s an inevitability.
I ask for your friendship under the blood of your SON
My king, I love you, reign supreme inside me.