The easiest way to be fooled into complacency. Trapped to exist in loops and strings of linear thinking. Consuming reality in bytes and visuals that come easily, through monitors and screens, while never quite facing the reality hidden within each. The ability to miss the point through what is perceived loosely and assigned unuseful meanings. By familiarity and proxy lost things go missing completely, existing unseen in all their glory, seen as pawns in smaller scores beneath. While in each is housed a piece of singularity, their very own sanctuary. Taught to fish not how to sell out to buy in.
You know… I’d rather learn from trying situations on for size.
And release, saving the experience and what-ifs for when a moment arises while paying my attention to what feels best—observing while following my daily bread of intuitions. I would rather learn what is, through what is, than religiously reading books, out of context and poorly translated compared to the version running vein deep in me. A love story worthy of my time. All other material, once or twice if it calls to me. Written words move me differently. I have a fountain of my own I finally leapt into after finding temporary sanctuary in enough authors’ keeps. Full of lifetimes of experience formed into fictional mastery, and the stories began to rush out of everything.
Enough experience that the stories flow through me attached to everything I see. A lesson a blessing unseen maybe. Soul detectives on a mission for love of discovery. For me, I read only as life calls to me, some seasons for consuming others for release. Today, is a day for reflecting, seeing myself in everything. So many conflicted versions rectified by the glue I’m becoming. An image growing internal to me, one once shadowed, a whisp of smoke, now glowing golden around its outlines. Always dancing, reminding me to sway free. Stay flexible and adapt as needed for the sake of creativity, love, and peace.
I don’t chase my answers, but expect them to come to me upon release. Allowing life to guide me. In the direction that serves all things considered, to the best of Life’s ability which is, unfamimable yet to me. Yet to be conceived, so I guess I’m asking. I wonder how many others have wandered into this field. This clearing of selflessly asking that all souls be lifted to see blessings until gratitude sweeps the surface of humanity.
Allowing all noisy information to pass over me, untouched by their projections and infectious fearmongering… Unless it finds me by what seems random circumstances and draws on my curiosity, tugging a lead that excites me.. instead of seeking outwardly, and relying on thoughts that may or may not lead me correctly. If I rely on my intuition for guidance, at least I will know it came from inside me, and so it must be for my forming, into the dream I set free when I found entrance into the paradigms surrounding me.
I will allow my authentic best guests, the highest energies unite to guide me. I choose these over anything written before the moments handed to me. A gift bag I can choose to experience through engagement, or observe, without a word. When I feel free to express myself without overthinking and the words come from pure energy, autopilot tippy tapping, keys breathing life into scenes playing otherwise unseen through my strings, strumming and humming, doing their own thing as I spin fiction free depicting all matters and dreams.
It’s from these frequencies I choose to drink. releasing what spills over into the shared sink. Express I must, or combust, I might… How can I receive when I’m full to bursting with thoughts I’d love to drink? The right information seems to find me when I tune in to what moves me. Rather take my moves as they come to me, than borrow pearls from who knows when, to guide and direct my feet and pave the ways I’m following crudely. Instead of trusting the vision building internally, I find other versions extended for projecting safely, sound bytes we can all knaw on… not the shared feast for me, won’t fight for scraps under tables housing highest bidders and soulless roles.
I allow all things outside of my control to be as they will be. All things within my ability to conform I turn over to my highest understanding. An offering and a desire to function fully uncovering the gold buried in each precious moment placed at my feet. If it is up to me all things within my ability to sway, and send all that is lovely. Every space open to me, would be filled with the sound of music, and play in concerts of harmony.
The air filled with joy and laughing. Streets, safe for all ages to extend and live through, spreading seeds of good feeling through memories and happenings. All existing in their versions of the dream learning to be through experiencing whatever they might think. Not experiencing lack or setbacks since they’ve all found each their hidden keys. Mastered the highs and weathered the lows of natural being. Rising above each new level to see the picture fully. Then choose to use the perspective to suit all bodies in the surrounding kingdom inside and out of each. Every body a temple with the same capacities as me. To house what they love or hate will show through what we each are found projecting. Find me paying attention to the words as I say them. Knowing full well the message I speak is for me, before any outer body.
Some, even deeper, and so then, my teachers and I their ready pupil, excited to be in their story at such an intimate capacity. Equally willing to let them be dubbed royalty and move past me, the silly pawn that walked along with them, only to disappear when their existence no longer leaned on it, but saw it as a hindrance. Understanding the youthful reasoning, wishing them understanding in the softest senses. Sometimes cracks showing, as I scream in silence, my insides ringing with the war drum I’m beating as I race my own feet, competing with the shadow following obediently. The first to rush in when I might cave in, the last to stay and celebrate. Watching Gotham speak its hell into existence through straw men. Energetic games begin. A war within the worlds we keep. All sides fighting for the seat in the chest keep. That rules everything. The heart, who can tame it? Anyone, can you reign it in? A mighty man or woman she must be.
I Surrender, to characteristics that embody agape I seek. Let me be, show me in the mirror how to exist in such a field of trees. I am open to Love and Peace, turn the light on and illuminate all within me, no shadows, only objects casting illusions, I investigate instantaneously, uncovering the darndest things, mysteries unraveled into commonplace understandings. Complexities form to easily when relaying the simplest things… Everything, knowing all that follows is an answer to the summons. Allowing all things to be unfolding. While my energy, intention, and emotive remain, firmly placed. I’d rather fall a thousand times learning to stand on my feet than rest in unattainable beliefs with no proof building new rungs I climb while dodging unseen bullets.
Heightened perspectives achieved, to release all the baggage I no longer need to carry. It’s easy to read something at face value, and imagine you’ve seen the whole thing. A fools reality forgets that everything is always evolving. I’d never get to comfortable in superficial beliefs. I believe in Life, that it will take me where it takes me, and wherever I go is a window into me as a whole.
Rather live and learn, than make myself feel comfortable and cozy in ideas too big for me to wrap my brain around without experiencing each intimately, each moment a lead in to the next for me. And anything can happen at any given time I’m alive in. I invite all the most beautiful scenes to project through me. Become inside me a portal of all that is life-giving. A little scribe with a big book that can be translated to a single turn of phrase, “To U, From Me, with love, always.”
Don’t ever give much sway to words that freeze or fragment you while life is still moving. Be aware of ways preached with no levity weightless giants blow away in the first strong wind against them. These can be found in books boasting answers and keys, offered for a price and accompanied by further dis-ease and need for learning, searching for knowledge when one should naturally grow. Won’t find me building castles of definitions or walls reinforced by longstanding for-profit establishments to hide within/behind. Maybe that’s why I lived in fiction and avoided anything claiming to be reality with any manner of boldness. Reality doesn’t need to make big claims, it’s too busy forming foundations for the ready builders.