CHAPTER 6: Changes and Great Expectations
(A video for this chapter will be available upon demand)
Many internal seasons passed through Chester over the space of a day. In the end, still meeting its completion where it began.
It had started with a nightmare about running late that woke him up long before the dawn had a chance to.
From then he tossed and turned, fighting the urge to get up with all his might. Finally, he gave in and crawled from beneath the warm blankets to begin his day. The last thing he wanted was to fall asleep accidentally only to make his dream come true.
After the first leap, Chester struggled to choose an outfit for the day. While reaching for the usual light jacket, part of him felt compelled to a dark short-sleeve tunic. Based on the frost-bitten air creeping through the open window, the light jacket made sense… In the end, the boy wore one under the other, just in case.
The first cracks of light were rising in from the open window by the time Chester jumped into the next battle. A monumental failure to recover his favorite work boots, his only, work boots. It was almost as if one had gotten up from beneath his bed and walked away. He had been a little rough on them lately…
The boy couldn’t make sense of it. His supreme annoyance over the missing item was only outweighed by the confusion of not being able to think of where he might find it hiding. After far too long Chester conceded, he settled on his normal shoes with the intent to pick up where he left off once he returned that evening. His shoes were no good for hiking the valley path, especially after a night of rain. He grimaced through the dark hallway over the idea of stepping into muddy slop along the fine work dirt road.
With a final mournful sweep of the front entrance, Chester had left home, discontented, yet hopeful the remainder of the day would go his way.
He ran over the cobbled street. It glistened in the lamplight. He reflected on the night before. He’d tossed and turned, listening to the rain slapping and exploding against the shingles. He’d fallen into an exhausted sleep pondering the many outcomes that Grandee might come up with. She’d left so many strings hanging around the fate of the little pigs and the valley they’d found their way to…
How could they leave the first place so easily? He’d never really left Willow Bay the idea felt so… big…
Why didn’t they just enjoy the valley? Why did they have to fight over it? He thought of the market shopkeep who’d publicly humiliated him… At the time, it hadn’t made sense to the boy, but it had led Buck to find him… and now he had an apprenticeship and a best friend. So it had worked out for the best in the end. but it wasn’t the end… It had only been the beginning because he’d gotten another teacher and storyteller out of the deal also!
Chester had all but forgotten the little blue bird hatching who’d been tossed downriver, only to be caught up by something monstrous… The anticipation over the next bite of the pig story had him at a full run as he closed the gap between him and the Way Point more quickly than usual.
The boy had skipped over the final stretch of cobbled road. His shadow stretched out through the warm glow pouring over the cobblestone from the streetlights. He stopped at the front entrance, catching his breath he looked back over the space he’d covered before looking down at his shoes with a reflection of acceptance. Maybe they’d be fine for the journey to Grandee’s cabin…
Just as he’d accepted the fate of his lost boot and readied himself to face the conciquences of not keeping track of his things. The winds of change had struck again! He’d wandered through the pubs front end and pushed through the double doors he’d become accustom too. Steam and the typical wonderful aromas were already spinning from and through everything. Chester had taken a deep breath and nearly choked on it as his Mentor’s voice had boomed.
“‘EY Boy! Is that you?”
“Yes! I just got here! Good Morning Master Buck.”
“Top of the mornin’ to yerself!” The Tender tossed back lightly.
“Do you want me to take the lid from the pot on the front hearth?” The apprentice had hollered back over the hissing and the clanking and clattering.
“No come give me a hand back here will ya!”
Chester ran to the back counter and turned the corner at the far end of the main heart to find Buck with his back to him at the way back corner of the kitchen. He was placing steaming donuts into rows and columns threatening to fill the entire countertop.
“You’ll find a line of glaze bags, all the frosting is a different shade based on the flavor, go and grab me the first two closest to us will you boy?” He hollered over his shoulder.
“Right away!” Chester was already on his way across the kitchen to find the items just as his boss had described them. He snatched the first two and rushed back.
“Here you are Master Buck!”
He turned, wiping a sleeve over his forehead, the spatula in his hand looked small and silly. It wasn’t the utensils’ fault it was in the paw of a bearman.
“Great job! Can you guess the flavors?” His eye twinkled with a smile that poured over his ruddy face.
“Um, Chocolate, for sure.” The boy pointed to the first, then the second… “Maybe… caramel?”
He squinted in before his eyes bulged in recognition, “Wait! No! That’s cinnamon, so not caramel but cinnamon honey butter?”
“Bingo!” Buck boomed. His laugh lifted into the steam around them, echoing off the walls. “You’re already an expert, and that’s a good thing. Because today, You are going to run the donut topping operation.”
“But… That’s Nessy’s favorite job…” Chester frowned, as much as he liked the idea, he didn’t want to immediately step on his best friends toes.
“Nessy won’t be in the kitchen today.”
“Is… is she getting worse?” His expression darkened and folded in with concern. “I thought Miss Grandee said she was getting better.”
Again his eyes widened, he caught buck up in his gaze. “Who will take Miss Grandee her donuts! And tend to the animals?”
“That’s a lot of questions all at once, take a breathe,” He nodded toward the collection of steaming delicacies. “Have one and give me a moment to answer them as best as I can.” Buck was still smiling as he wiped his hands on a small dish towel slung through his belt loop in its typical fashion.
“I sent little Nessy to stay with our lady for a while. She will be tendin’ to the animals. Don’t you worry about their donuts and such, I sent her off for the journey with my best cart and pony, and enough supplies to build their own donuts for an unforeseeable future.” The smile had left Buck’s eyes as he continued, “Little Nessy needs some time away, the forest air and quiet will do her good for now boy. I know you don’t like it, and I know you will want to go see yer little friend but I gotta tell you that wouldn’t do her any good at all. Or you, ya don’t want to catch what she has…”
“What about Miss Grandee?” Chester piped in as he finished the last bite of his breakfast.
“What about her lad?” Buck turned back to the counter and grabbed the first frosting back full of chocolate, handing it over to his apprentice.” Chester stepped up to the line, feasting his eyes on the treasures he was about to make even better…
“Well, isn’t she afraid she will catch, whatever it is?” No one had ever specified the ailment of his friend, they’d only ever insisted it needed time to heal. But it had been weeks since he’d so much as spoken to Nessy, his curiosity was burning.
“I don’t think much of anything scares Ol’ Grandee these days.” Buck chuckled fondle, watching out of the corner of his eye as Chester took his first stab at the chocolate glaze. He was a fast learner, and an eager help. Both traits Buck had a special place in his heart for. He’s a good lad… such a good lad there are some things he may never understand. He shook his head fondly before going back to his list of daily duties.
“Once you are done there lad, you can go ahead and set up the dining space. I might guess you still remember how too? I did only have Nessy show you the once.”
Chester nodded vigorously. He’d spent the nights following her lesson drawing out diagrams on his scrap papers by candlelight at his bedside table. He could see them vividly traced over his mind. He offered his mentor a proud smile. “I sure to remember Master Buck! I’ll start right away!”
“Well finish your glazing first,” Buck laughed, “An while your at it tighten your zigs and your zags with the glaze bags, it will be all the more likely to spread evenly as its meltin in.”
“Thank you!” Chester called over his shoulder.
He spent the next hour lost in his thoughts repeating the action again and again until the entire back row was covered in a smooth coat of chocolate frosting. A heat rose in his chest as he looked over his handy work. Only a few had been over done, a drizzle of frosting crept over the wax paper, away from the donut it had come from.
“Well done Lad!” Buck appeared out of no where nearly causing the boy to leap from his shoes.
“You scared me!”
“Stop throwing that word around so easy. I surprised you is all.” Buck chuckled, placing his paws on his hips while he inspected.
“Well done, well done, now since we are about to open how about we divide and conquer, I’ll take over these here, while you set the dining arena, aye?”
“Yes!” Chester lept down from the crate he’d been using for a higher view.
He’d been training for this moment for months! He’d been so caught up with duty he’d been given helping Miss Grandee he’d all but forgotten this had been the main course at one point.
Chester had done his best to stay afloat from the moment The WayPoints first customer poured in through the door bellowing a friendly song setting the tone for those echoing in after him the place only grew more lively. Each individual came with their own specific needs.
At first, the game of memory excited the apprentice. But over time as the needs grew and grew, the game turned into a challenge. By the time Buck waved to him from the kitchen entrance Chester was thoroughly winded. On his way to follow the command he was pulled this way and that by patrons in need of his assistance, until once again he was caught up in the whirlwind.
Each time he came up for air and remember Buck had beaconed him, a new task seemed to add itself to the list.
“Bus Boy Get my friend here a mug!”
“Bar Lad see to my comrades’ plate!”
“Larry here will take his usual almond glaze and a mug also!”
“Jerry hasn’t been tended yet young master yer startin’ to fall behind!”
Each bellowed command or jolly request fell heavier in the boy’s mind until finally, he broke away and busted through the swinging doors to cradle his head and rub his temples for a moment, again totally forgetting his boss had called him more than an hour before. His toes ached and throbbed against the front of his shoes. Causing him to kick over the missing boot all the more.
“How are you doing out there Boy?” Chester leapt to attention.
“Good Sir, Master Buck.” He stammered. “I just, was thirsty and needed some water, and I’m sorry it took me so long to get back here, do you still need me?”
“Don’t apologize to me Lad, it’s your lunch you nearly missed.” He chuckled sliding a plate of steaming meat and bread and string beans to his apprentice. “All apologies to your stomach, I could hear it growling from across the pub.”
He crossed the way back to the counter he’d come from, still talking, “Don’t want ya passin’ out on your first day back around the patrons. I can only imagine the trouble they’d give ya from now on.” He winked, grabbing his own plate of lunch he leaned against the countertop and shoveled a bite between his mustache and beard.
“They’d probably start off by givin’ ya the nickname of faintin’ goat or something silly until they get ta know you a little better and twisted it to fit with something with a little more jab and bite if you know what I mean.” He chuckled shaking his head before shovelling in another mouthful.
“You know them all pretty well, huh?” Chester asked, He watched his mentor purposefully chewing each bite and swallowing straight into the next. He followed suit and soon the comfort food had soothed his anxiousness over remembering everything. They ate on in silence. Buck nodding over each bite, until the last. He wiped his mouth and cleared his throat.
“I reckon I know some better than others. But I know what they come to the Point for and I’m here to be of service to whatever need they come with. Good vitals and cheer to match. I can help with those things.” He shoveled in a final spoonful, his eyes twinkled through the steam.
“How long did it take?”
“fer what?” The tender grunted as he pushed off and walked his empty plate to the wash area.
“To get to know them?” Chester rethought his question, “To get to know what they usually order.”
“Oh you take long enough to get around to them they will help ya remember by bellowin’ it out. Eventually you get a little weary of hearin’ them hollar.” He laughed as he washed the plate and dried it before returning for the boy’s plate.
“Thank you.” Chester gave up the carved piece, “So… you just mess up or take too long?”
“Well, that isn’t the goal, but in a way, aye, until you like the uncomfortable crutch less and enjoy the feelin’ of anticipating what each one might be in need of… Now that is a standard to work toward in any service industry.”
“Are the patrons always the same? I mean, often enough to make it worth remembering what they eat or drink…”
“Now that might be close to a silly question if you know the fundamental law of tending…” Chester caught a note of sternness in the Master Tenders voice. His ears perked and he followed him to the wash area. He picked up the dry rag and waited for his mentor to offer him the dripping plate and continue what he’d been saying.
They washed, rinsed and dried the lunch-ware in silence. Listening to the roaring laughter and constant buzz from the front end of the Way Point.
“You’re doin’ good work out there boy,” Chester looked up as Buck handed over the final pot for drying. “That’s the sound of a job well done.” He nodded toward the swinging doors and shook his hands dry before wiping them on his apron for good measure.
“Ya might wanna get back out there before that changes, aye?”
“Yes sir!” Chester piped. “But what is the law, if it’ll help, I have to know ’cause I feel like I’ve already forgotten everything I learned?” He huffed, suddenly more frustrated then only a moment before.
The food had been good but now his eyelids were heavy. He was ready for a nap in the kitchen heat. The boy shook himself free of the building urge to curl up in the cupboard. The aromas sweeping and swirling in from all sides just the right dose of comfort to lull him.
“On yer feet lad!” Buck clapped his hands . Chester snapped to attention and like magic, the drowsiness lifted. “that’s more like it! There are a few of them, but for starters, every customer is worth treating like a member of our family here. That’s the motto boy. It’s carved over the sign at the entrance.”
“Really?” Chester crinkled his face, thinking hard and coming up short. All he remembered was the lion roaring with it’s front paws reaching in front of it… And THE WAY POINT carved in and painted red above it… “It says all that?”
Buck chuckled. “Aye, in less words, take a look on yer way out today. That’ll be yer final lesson but that’s the golden rule, the secret agreement from the back of the house to the front of it.”
He rustled Chester’s hair with a huge paw. “That’s the tender’s greatest joy, they agree to keep spreading the good cheer they gather here so long as we offer it too them, we leave out personal boots at the door and put on our listening caps when we walk through those swingin’ doors there.” Buck’s eyes twinkled with an ancient wisdom Chester took to heart. He nodded solemnly as if a promise had passed between them.
He hadn’t thought of all the failed expectations since after glazing the donuts. Once the first Patron had entered in, he’d been to busy running this here and that there to think of anything but remembering what went where. He smiled. Buck smiled back.
“Okay!” Chester snatched the wet washrag from the soapy bucket on top of the counter. just before rushing into the next room he turned to look over his shoulder. “Thanks, Master Buck, that helps.” Without leaving time for a response he ducked through the doors, leaving them tossing back together.
The rest of the day flew by. Before Chester knew it the dinner rush had died down to a dull roar. Buck had placed the barrels out for self service and the honor system was again in place. He tapped the boy on the shoulder, breaking him from his concentrated scrubbing on a smug he couldn’t seem to budge. “AH!” Chester exclaimed, nearly leaping from his own skin on his way to his feet. “Sorry sir, I didn’t see you there.”
He frowned and wiped the sweat beading at the brim of his forehead. “I can’t seem to get rid of that spot.”
“Aye, an you never will no matter how hard you try.” Chester squinted in closer, his cheeks reddened. It was a smoothed knot in the wood. “Oh…” His shoulders slumped, every time he stopped moving the weariness of the full day behind him seemed to catch up.
“Come on then Lad.” Buck was already on his way back to the kitchen as he waved over his shoulder for Chester to follow.
Chester pushed off from the bar top and followed his mentor. He pushed through the double doors wiping his damp hands on his pants. The steaming kitchen bubbled and hissed to welcome him. He followed Buck to the back where his desk rested. His boss stepped aside and ushered him past. “Open that top drawer boy.” Buck instructed.
Chester did as he was told, retrieving the items resting inside. There was a small leather-bound notepad it had been dyed elegant deep emerald green. Just like the satchel, Buck had given him when he’d lost his own so long ago.
It was beautiful. In the process of lifting the small book from its safe space a finely widdled pencil slipped out and clattered to the floor. “Oh, Sorry Master Buck!” Chester said, stooping to scoop it up.
“Sorry yourself, the pair of them are yours.” Chester snapped to attention, staring at the two items in a new light.
“Did… did you make these?” His eyes widened.
“Aye, with some help of course.” The man leaned against the counterspace. Soaking in the little lads reaction. “You’ll be needin’ those for work. I will require ye to carry them with ya in the apron that will be here by the mornin’.” He folded his arms across his chest, his smile widened as Chester flipped easily through the smooth pages. The entire thing felt weightless in his hands. Like a soft cloud. The pencil fit his hand so perfectly it felt like an extra finger.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“You’re welcome Boy! Consider it a bonus for a job well done today. Yer a natural.” He walked forward and clapped Chester on the back.
There was a final item locked in his hand, He slid a large handcrafted envelope… He’d seen the forested pattern before. He knew the seal well from the letters he’d passed between the forest cottage and the waypoint over the previous months. “Master Buck? I think this is yours. It was slid into the back of the pad.” He held it out, Buck held up his hand and shook his head.
“No lad, that is fer you.” His eye twinkled cheerily. “That came just after you got back to work over the afternoon rush. I figured it would be best enjoyed once the day was up.”
Chester’s little heart leapt, “Is it from Nessy??!” He exclaimed.
“I reckon you’ll find out for yourself soon enough. Now off with ya! And take some of those plain glazed and banana nut rolls to your ma and da. I know how they love them.” With that Buck disappeared through the rolling steam.
“Thank you Sir! I will see you in the morning!” He could hear Buck whistling somewhere in the mists as he rushed from the back exit. The heavy oak door slammed shut echoing along the alleyway ahead of him.
Now, here he was, pulled up to his desk, his two candles flickering in their lantern cases. On the one side, His curiosity was hungry to dig into the mysterious letter. On the other, his lids pulling rebelliously against the desire to devour its contents. In the end, the wrong shoes still on his feet. Chester fell asleep over the papers sprawled out, unread beneath his face.
To Be Continued….