Section Two:
Three Pigs, two Houses…
The next morning rose with a sense of excitement that only grew as the meadow came to life. Chatter echoed from every corner of the grassy valley.
Everyone, young and old, feathered and furry was ready to hear all about the newcomers. The first to enter the main arena from their slumber was the first little pig. He addressed the crowd and told them his name was Edward. He was tickled pink by their kindness and had decided while he slept that he wanted to repay the warm welcome with a present.
This delighted the meadow creatures, they did love gifts. He told them that it would take him some time to create but that they would all benefit greatly from the contribution he would bring to the table. He asked if any of the critters would be willing to help him collect grass and cottonwood fuzz and sticks to recreate the home the rabbits had been good enough to share with him and all at once the creatures erupted into a flurry of cheers.
Of course, they were happy to help, the rabbits and squirrels were the first in line. As he was finishing his welcoming speech the second of the two brothers peeped over the horizon. He trotted into the circle they’d created around his brother grunting contently.
“Well good morning!” He began. “My name is Martin. I am so grateful for your hospitality. I would like to thank you all for the welcome you offered me and my brothers!”
The creatures again cheered. Once they’d quieted down Martin continued. “I spent the night tossing and turning over what I could do to thank you all and to show my appreciation. I would like to tell you the story of where we came from, and how we came upon your lovely home.”
They cheered again. It was what they were all waiting for after all. Even the birds had refrained from taking off into the sky in search of adventures beyond the treeline. They had one unfolding under their very noses.
“We came from a place far, far away,” Martins showmanship revealed itself immediately as he pranced and sprang about, unraveling the juicy passage through the enchanted forest. Their mothers’ narrow escape from the marketplace had the creatures leaning in and at the edge of whatever branch or rock, they were seated upon.
“Our dearest mother passed along after eating from a poison berry bush.” Tears filled every eye as he spoke of how they’d piled high a platform of sticks and dead branches to set their mother upon. How scavenging birds and prowling beasts of the deep dark forest crept from the shadows to try and steal her. Then of how they buried her to keep this from happening, only to find the gravesite undug come morning. eventually, they ended up burning her on the platform they’d created and spread her ashes to feed the trees. The animals could hardly imagine the trials and tribulations that exposed themselves through the little pigs’ extravagant story.
Each twist and turn revealed new questions which he then answered perfectly just as their curiosity made it hard for them to pay attention. Martin’s storytelling was masterful. Better than even the best of the birds.
By the time he wound down and came to the point where the ten brothers all decided to go each their own way in groups of three and meet once yearly in order to exchange stories and tell of the places they’d found. The valley animals were completely silent. “Now then, this is what I would like to offer you in return for your kindness.” They leaned in.
“Along our journey, I spoke to all creatures, large, small, frightening, and fragile. Each came from their own stories and every one of them told me of the most incredible things they’d encountered. So long as we stay among you I will share these stories with you! One every day!”
At this, the crowd burst into the loudest roar of cheering yet. They loved the stories the birds brought to them but never had they heard such a teller as they’d found in Martin. He made them laugh, cry, gasp, and any other expression of feeling within the space of the tale he’d unraveled before them.
“All I ask in return is if any of you would be willing to help me build myself a little home in the fashion of that I slept so peacefully in last night. I would be much obliged to you.”
The animals whooped and cheered. The beavers and the deer were the first to volunteer. On that note they all agreed to do their parts, completely forgetting about the third little pig they skipped off merrily to collect building materials for the two piggies already endeared to their hearts.
As Martin turned toward the field he was set to gather cattails from a flash of movement caught his attention. He looked along the hillside closed to the bears’ den. The largest of the three brothers was sitting at the rocky entrance staring down at the animals rushing off in excitement. A dark expression shadowed his features. Martin nodded his way, with a short nod back the third pig stood and made his way back through the entrance of the den, disappearing among the dark rigid rocks.
“Mr. Pig?” Martin nearly lept from his furless skin.
“Oh, dear!” He cried out, looking this way and that. He looked down into the grass and saw a tiny bunny with large solemn eyes looking up at him expectantly.
“You frightened me, it isn’t kind to sneak up on animals like that, I might have accidentally stepped on you little one. You must be more careful.” He chided, the cute little tot was too adorable to chastize for long. Martin grinned and flopped lower to the ground beside him. “Alright then, you have a question for ol’ Martin?” His grin widened until his piggy eyes were nearly closed into a squint.
“Yes… In your story, you said ten brothers, but that you decided to pair off in threes?” The pig beamed.
“You caught that! You clever bunny. Yes, that is what I said.”
“Well, where did the tenth go?” He continued, clearly concerned.
“Ah, well, that is a story for another day but I will let you in on a tiny secret.”
The bunny brightened, nodding vigorously.
“Sometimes, when plans are made, not everyone sees eye to eye with them.” Martin looked over his shoulder toward the den, and then the surrounding forest line. “Sometimes one or another strays from the idea and comes up with plans of their own. The tenth refused to move from the spot we left our mother.” He looked back at the bunny.
“Some people have a hard time unfreezing from moments that paralyze them. I have every hope that when we tell him of this place he will join us.” Martin smiled kindly at the precious baby bunny. He placed his snout in the grass so he could see eye to eye with him. “You are a sharp little bugger, you remind me of myself as a wee piglet. That curious nature will get you along just fine.” He finished.
The little bunny smiled. “Thank you Mr. Pig!”
“Please, call me Martin.”
“Thank you, Martin!”
Martin nodded. “Now off with you! Go have yourself some blossoms and a hop about!”
The little rabbit sped away, content with the answer he’d received.