Episode 1:
This series is very dear to my heart.
The adventures I’ve pictured while traveling along its strings have offered me so much light and wisdom and insight into my own true nature and shed light on situations I’d been working through at any given moment. I want so much to pass them along to anyone who might be in need of remembering that they are special, and here for a reason. Sometimes we have to be our biggest fans and best friends until life exposes the bonds and friendships we’ve been being molded toward.
We are all so unique, each of us heroes and the main characters to our storylines regardless of where any other person is at we have to evaluate our journey and the direction we are moving on before we can hope to assist anyone else.
The things that influence us, influence the one-of-a-kind character building within us. Don’t let anyone take your internal fingerprint from you. I hope this adventure series keeps you company along your beautifully unique way.
I love this story, I can’t wait to hear more!